Jan 16, 2011

Checklist Update


You asked and Eike and Team Spockholm listened.  The Checklist bookmarklet has been updated and is now even better!  A few useful features have been added as well as 7 new items.

If you are new to this, please read the article about the first version of the Checklist. 

New Features

1.  Moveablility 

You now have the option to move the Checklist around the page. This was done to accommodate those who didn't like it in the upper left corner and for those players using Exp/Energy 3.0 by Joyka.
Just hover your mouse over the "Checklist" and wait for the cross arrows to appear.
You can put it anywhere on the page that you want.
The drag and drop may be very smooth or a bit rough, depending on the browser and the players karma. You should also be on top of the page, scrolling can mess up the coordinates.

2.  Sorting
For those who want the item tasks they have already completed out of the way, you can now sort the Checklist. Click on the little green or red button located at the upper left corner of the Checklist to turn the sorting feature on and off. When sorting is activated, items that are completed will move to the bottom of the Checklist, and the next coming up items go to the top.
Do it actions

Now you can run the actions behind each item, even if it is checked at the moment. There is a small arrow behind the name, so you can run bookmarklets or links anytime. Of course some do not make sense like the Daily Take or the Energy Pack.
 New Items

There were 16 Checklist items and now there are 23.  I'll start the list from where I left off in the last article.

17.  Bagman Mugger

For those who use the Bagman-Mugger Bookmarklet, this is a handy reminder for you to update your Facebook quotations section everyday. I like this because I feel like a schmuck every time I use it and see that I failed Pistol Pete's Leech Check.
Now I'll never forget to change the link in my quotations!
18.  Loose Slots

The Loose Slots Bookmarklet helps you help your mafia members get the Hot Slot achievement badge. You can spin 20 slot machines a day and this bookmarklet does that for you!  The main problem I have is remembering to do that everyday. Now I have the Checklist to remind me. Those in a slotting group can also load their list from a cookie.
Just for fun, I have to use this image again.
19.  Stream Helper

We all know that there are all kinds of things we can gain by going through the news feeds and helping our mafia members.  The Stream Helper Bookmarklet does this for us and how many times a day you run it is up to you.  You can adjust the time on your Checklist to suite your needs.
20.  Accept Gifts

This item will direct you to your Facebook request page and you can accept all of your gifts.  Don't forget that the JGrabAllGifts Bookmarklet will do that for you. This should also remind you to accept your three Secret Drops and your five PignatasTime CapsulesCoffins per day.
21. Job/Parts Help

There are many items that we can request from our mafia. The extra experience you can get for posting Job Help requests and parts from our properties is something I forget to do.  Feed Helper by Arun will generate the requests and this item on the Checklist will help you remember to do it. The Feed Helper Bookmarklet can now be found HERE.
22.  Crime Spree

This will direct you to The Zynga Message Center so you can accept all of your Crime Spree requests.  These can also be found on the Facebook request page and we can open 5 of them each 24 hours.
23.  Informant Podcast

Now that it's part of The Checklist, never miss another episode of Informant Podcast again. Right now the timer is set to half a week, but Martin is already working on a solution to get a notification once a new episode is published.
Want more items or have a good idea? Click on "add more items" located at the bottom of the Checklist and you will be directed to the Spockholm Userecho Site.  Many of the new items listed above came from player ideas.  I'm going to recommend that there be a blank item that players can type their own personal item.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. it didn't work i'm using firefox
    i tried it on unframed page and clicked checklist once
    also tried it on framed one and clicked it twice
    but still nothing

  2. About the issue of Checklist being launched at the same spot as Exp/Energy, it could be solved by changing Exp/Energy to upper right corner, just click the BM name after launching it to get to the options. Change the position to right and save. Close the BM and launch it again so it appears at the new position.
    BTW, I've searched the blog and haven't found anything regarding the options on Exp/Energy 3.0. Some people think that the star ratio is the combined ratio of energy and stamina, but it's not. You can set star ratio to show whatever you want using the available constants..

  3. Just to clearify
    Feed helper does publish your help or jobrequest but you get nothing unless you actually have ask for the help in the game and it did´nt publish.
    So you can´t use Feed helper instead of doing job-help request

  4. Awesome i like this bookmarklet....its so easy to use

  5. Great tutorial. Thanks for the help. Great idea also--I've been trying a paper spreadsheet but this is better.

  6. I clicked the x to the right of Atlantic City bonus and now its hidden, how can I get it back on the Checklist? Thanks

  7. Without a doubt, this is the best piece I've ever seen in my web-based gaming experience.

    "You rock, Spockholm" is not enough anymore! :)

  8. WHen I post my gift links there is a big ad for facebook. How do I delete this gruesome thing lol, DOnt mind the spockon but dang to fb

  9. Reply to above, Post the Links as your STATUS and not LINKS.


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