Jan 4, 2012

How To Get Gold Treasure Chests


Although the Gold Treasure Chest feature hasn't been updated for over a year, it still has something good to offer players. Gold Treasure Chests can be opened with Gold Treasure Chest Keys and you can get Reward Points. Most of the time you will get outdated loot but some Treasure Chests will contain 1, 10, 20, 50, 100 or even 1,000 Reward Points.
Most don't believe that it's possible to get 1,000 Reward Points but we did see it happen about 6 months ago (1).
Until recently, most people had more Treasure Chests than Treasure Chest Keys. Treasure Chest Keys are still available for purchase in the Marketplace for 9 Reward Points.
They are also contained in Secret Drops which we get as gifts from our mafia members. You can collect a maximum of 3 Secret Drops per day.
On September 12th of last year there was an awesome glitch involving the Lead Into Gold Mission. Treasure Chest Keys were dropping like flies from fights (1).
This went on for several hours before it was fixed. You can see the drop rate was 51%.
Many found they had more Treasure Chest Keys than they did Treasure Chests. There never was a rollback but many players reported that all of their Treasure Chests or Keys were removed from their inventories. Those who acted fast were able to get thousands of Reward Points.
The glitch was two fold because Treasure Chests which were made non-giftable months prior all of a sudden were giftable again (1). Talk about the stars aligning! At the time, Gold Treasure Chests had value in the trading market. Zynga put a stop to all this by making Treasure Chests not giftable again. They also removed the daily Treasure Chest players received from doing jobs. They failed to remove the annoying Gold Treasure Chest popup. If you haven't disabled it from your account settings, it's a bold face lie. You do not get a Gold Treasure Chest (1).
Four months have passed since Zynga made these changes. We are still getting Treasure Chest Keys from the Secret Drop and they are still offered for purchase but many are finding they don't have the Gold Treasure Chests to open. We can't buy them from the Marketplace but there is a way to get them. For reasons unknown to me, they are giftable if you use the alternate version of the Chucker by Arun. To get started, drag the bookmarklet below to your bookmark toolbar.

Chucker (alt)

Unframe your game and go to the Mafia Wars Profile Page of the person you want to send a gift. Use the Gift Drop Down Menu and scroll and select "Golden Treasure Chest". Select the quantity, add the item(s) to the queue and click "Start".
You can see it still works. Zynga has some decisions to make. If they go through the trouble of fixing this workaround then they need to offer a way for players to receive Treasure Chests or stop selling Treasure Chest Keys in the Marketplace! The feature hasn't been updated since December 2nd of 2010 so I wouldn't be surprised if they just do away with it. 

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. could use 640 keys ... any spares for me ??? thx

  2. Zynga is going to be doing away with them, it was mentioned in one of their last Mafia Wars Insider programs, along with the Loyalty Program.

  3. i got loads of chests but no keys

  4. Yeh any free keys would be coool

  5. Your Gold Treasure Chest contained some awesome stuff!

    20 Reward Points

  6. Great info Jenny! TY

  7. I have several hundred treasure chest. Still get 1 if not 2 a day from doing jobs but never get any keys.

  8. Actually, I've been able to collect from the popup notice twice in the past week - useless loot, but it did work.

    Seems to be only in Chrome though, Firefox redirects to the marketplace when it's clicked.

  9. done everything you said but when scrolling down the Gift Drop Down Menu the golden treasure chest is not listed

  10. The popup doesn't say you GOT a treasure chest - it gives you a chance to OPEN one right then - if you have a key or want to spend rp then you can, otherwise the opportunity is lost.

  11. need many keys also/ willing to trade for them http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001047018967&ref=tn_tnmn

  12. where can I find my treasure chests? I know I have them but, can't find them. Thx.

  13. where can i find my treasure chests?????

  14. Do a search for the treasure chests via the filter in your inventory

  15. Need treasure chests where can i find them???????????

  16. if u just type in treasure in the filter it will bring the gold and silver keys and chests up

  17. Has this been nerfed?

  18. Sick of getting dinosaur loot from chests.. the drop rate of keys from secret drops is almost non existant. Who is stupid enough to pay 9 rps when is a 99% chance they will get the old outdated loot.

  19. I am soooo friggin lost lol I need keys but nont have a clue!

  20. Appears to have been nerfed. Chucker (Alt) can show the chest but is saying "Unknown response received, retrying.." when trying to do the actual send.

  21. Have many keys but treasure chest doesn't come :(


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