Jun 5, 2011

Facebook Responds To Request Issue


If you check the Known Issues on Facebook Page, you will see Facebook is aware of the Gift Request problem I've been tracking on this blog (1)(2). This is not a Zynga issue but Customer Support has also posted information regarding this issue (1). If you want to delete your requests, you need to follow the instructions to the workaround that I posted here.
If at anytime you block the Mafia Wars application, remember that you will need to grant permission to any Spockholm scanning scripts that you use. I usually go to Stream Helper and do this then the other scripts will be covered. These programs can't scan your news feeds if they don't have permission to access them. When you block the Mafia Wars application, it also cuts off the permission granted to the Spockholm bookmarklets.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Thank you for the tip. Will this fix the issue permanently or will I have to re block MW again later when my requests builds up?

  2. NVM. Must always remember to FINISH reading before you post ^^

  3. Unfortunately, you will have to reblock the app

  4. They need to get this fixed, it's beyond annoying.

  5. Yay! They fixed it :)


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