Jun 4, 2011

Gift Request Workaround


Due to the problems with the Facebook Request Page mentioned in the post below, you can't get rid of old gift requests that you've already accepted. At the least this is very annoying if you like a clean Request Page. If you want to get rid of them, there is a workaround. All you need to do is block Mafia Wars and then Unblock it. I often do this when I have too many requests to accept. Some worry that blocking Mafia Wars will cause them to lose progress in Mafia Wars. All timers will remain and nothing will change your account unless you leave it blocked for at least 90 days. To block and unblock, follow the instructions below to get your Request Page back to normal. Remember you will need to do this every time you want to clean your request page. The bug is still there, this is just a method to delete old requests that you have already accepted.
Block Mafia Wars
1. Accept all of the pending gifts that you care about. The Request Page will only hold up to 100 requests so if you have more, you won't be able to accept them.
2. Go back to your Facebook Request Page and click on the X located on the far left of any gift request.
3. Click on "Block Mafia Wars?". You have to look really close on the request to see it.
4. Click "Okay" on the verification window.
 5. Click "Close" on the confirmation window.

Unblock Mafia Wars
1. Go to your Privacy Settings from your Account Drop Bar.
2.  Scroll to the bottom of the Privacy Page until you see "Block Lists". Click on "Edit your lists"  which is located just below the Block Lists icon.
 3.  Scroll until you find the "Blocked apps" section and located Mafia Wars from your list of blocked applications. Click on "Unblock".
 4. You won't get a verification, all that will happen is the "Unblock" will turn to "Undo" in case you made a mistake.
 5. The next time you attempt to play Mafia Wars, you will have to allow access to your account.
When you return to the Facebook Request page, all you will find are requests from unblocked applications. Now is a good time to block them before you get filled up with Mafia Wars requests again.

If at anytime you block the Mafia Wars application, remember that you will need to grant permission to any Spockholm scanning scripts that you use. I usually go to Stream Helper and do this then the other scripts will be covered. These programs can't scan your news feeds if they don't have permission to access them. When you block the Mafia Wars application, it also cuts off the permission granted to the Spockholm bookmarklets.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. [quote]The Request Page will only hold up to 100 requests[/quote]
    The request page will only show 100 requests at once; once you ignore or accept a few and refresh the page, the rest will show up (up until 100 requests).

    Blocking the Mafia Wars application also means you will have to give permissions to any feed scanning bookmarklets again, e.g. Stream Helper, Event Scanner, etc.

  2. I wouldnt have believed it on any other source..
    Thanks!.. :)

  3. Have tried that and got rid of old requests, now new ones appearing that I have accepted wont disappear

  4. Just one word 'SMART' TY

  5. To bad Jenn didn't come up with it.

  6. @Gary As was written in the post until facebook fix the bug you will need to keep re-doing it as soon you start to get a back log of old requests.

  7. @Dan "Just Stating" You are wrong mine are working just fine :-)

  8. i followed the directions, and lost all my request, that sucks

  9. Thanks for the help

  10. We are having to redo it several times.. FB must fix it soon... I know that I am in a MW page but it is also happening with other kimes like FV and Zynga Reward... It is all just ubeliveable

  11. [quote]i followed the directions, and lost all my request, that sucks[/quote]

    That was the whole point of this exercise - had you read the post thoroughly you would have known this.

  12. Works like a charm! :-)

  13. i went thru all my requests first...made sure i had piggy's n all before i blocked Mafia.........It worked perfectly.....but i did READ the posts first !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I followed the directions, and LOST all my request also..........no more ferry passes.... bummer! Sorry to all that I will not be returning gifts to since I don't know who you are anymore. Advise: go in and collect and read all of your gifts and post first.

  15. Thankyou, worked perfectly x

  16. Is there plans by FB to fix the issue?

  17. u can also use wall scrubber it only accepts the gift u want and dumps the rest a huge time saver with all the spam events and secret stash requests seems overwhelming and with 2700 in mafia i am getting buried with junk gifts

  18. Followed the instructions step by step..It worked! Wish I had found this yesterday when I tried over and over again to remove the clutter! GAMESAVER!

  19. my problem same as anonymous 5.50
    am said... all my requests also gone...

  20. FFS, Guys losing ALL ur requests is THE WHOLE IDEA..... It's not fixing the problem, it's just a temporary solution that helps u to see more clearly in ur requests, cuz u got tons of shit u dont need anyway there!!!!!

  21. This whole thing stinks. Facebook or Zynga should temporarily shut down the games to fix the bug correctly. How about people who have used their credit cards to play this game? By the way, this problem also exists when you play Farmville. Maybe they should apologize to the players and offer any money back that they are not getting the game to play the way it was meant to be played.

  22. WORKED LIKE A GEM ..IT WAs so easy that even CAVEWMAN CAn do it the way you wrote it up Jenn.. ty


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