Jun 4, 2011

Gift Request Problems


There is currently a problem with the Facebook Request Page. When you accept or remove a request, it will be back once you refresh the page. Here are some of my requests.
I accepted one of my gifts and everything worked fine.
When I returned to the Request Page, the same request was still there.
I deleted a bunch of the request by clicking the X.
When I returned to the Request Page, they all came back.
Of course if you accept a request a second time, you get a Error Pig.
Everything works fine in the Zynga Message Center. I don't know what's causing the problem and don't have a lot of time to look into it. Please comment if you know more. The perfect workaround is to use the Get-a-Nator to get your Free Gifts.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I sent an email to customer support a few hours back.To get the gift requests to disappear,make sure you've collected all the gifts from the gifts page.Then when you go back they will of course be there again.Click on the x on all of them and block the application.Go to account and then to privacy and then edit list and unblock the application.The phantom requests disappear once you block the game you're collecting gifts for but you have to unblock the application and then return and click on a post to allow access again.It's very burdensome. :(

  2. same thing happening to me. same goes to frontierville gifts

  3. same to all my requests

  4. there is no point in contacting Zynga support since this is a FB issue, it's the same for all non zynga games

  5. same problem here with Frontierville and Mafia War, gift request won't delete

  6. The main "problem" in my opinion is not the bug on his own. But with this huge amount of bugs, especially in e.g. CityVille, everyone (or at least a lot of users) think this is a new zynga bug.

  7. had to block and unblock mafia wars to get rid of the 95 req ... now I can at least see the new ones

  8. Thanks for heads up on this been having problem in CityVille for a week (gonna try blocking and then redo.......)


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