Apr 2, 2011

Like a Boss! by Team Spockholm


UPDATE:  If you click on "Go Now" to fight the Boss and nothing happens. Go to mafiawars.com and unframe from there. Please review the comments for other suggestions.

Team Spockholm has a variety of Boss Fighter bookmarklets to help you with Boss Fights from all the destinations. There is now one for Mission Boss Fights called "Like a Boss!". This has been great for me and even better for Customer Support. Many players are having problems with the Boss Fights because the bosses instantly re-heal (1). I had this issue and had to contact Customer Support 5 times. Now that Like a Boss is here, there should be a lot fewer Customer Support tickets generated. To use Like a Boss, follow the instructions below.

1. Go to the Spockholm Mafia Tools Experimental Page and locate the Like a Boss bookmarklet.
2. Click, drag and drop Like a Boss into your bookmark toolbar.
3.  Go to your Mafia Wars game and click on Like a Boss! once to unframe your game. Now open up your Boss Fight from the Mission Bar and click on "Go Now".
4. From your unframed open Boss Fight, click on Like a Boss! a second time to start the bookmarklet. It will appear towards the center of the Boss Fight window.
5a.  Click on the green "Heal then attack" button if you want to manually attack the boss. Spock will do the healing and you do the attacking.
5b. Click on "Auto attack!" if you want the process of heal, wait, click, heal to be done for you.
6.  Now just sit back and relax while you wait (it takes a while) for the Boss Fight process to be completed.
Like a Boss! will always use New York currency to heal regardless of what destination you initiate the fight. For some useful tips on Boss Fights and what you can do to make them faster, visit my post here.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I can't even click on the "Go to" button, nothing happens... What's wrong?

  2. same here cant open bossfight

  3. If you are having trouble opening boss fights, it could be the popup bug that comes with unframing.
    Known fixes:
    - Using Unframe-MW twice (Spockholm version).
    - Unraming the www.mafiawars.com version of the game.
    - Using the direct unframe url, http://facebook.mafiawars.com/mwfb/index2.php?skip_req_frame=1&mwcom=1

  4. That didn't work for me, but this did:
    1. Open Mafia Wars.
    2. Click on "unframe" bookmarklet.
    3. Click on "unframe" bookmarklet again so you see the scroll bar on the side of the screen.
    4. Click on Brazil missions bar
    5. Click on "Go Now" button
    6. Click on "Like a Boss!" bookmarklet.
    I use Firefox and that worked for me.


  5. iys not opening the boss fight...i kept on clicking for 5 minutes nothing happened..will try on FF as well!

  6. it ran for me, but then I just was killed because it wouldn't actually heal??? the heal/attack happened in 20 seconds and that is too fast it seems - that was using Firefox on a Mac

  7. just wondering, does it use brazil money or new york money?

  8. Thanks Minz, I forgot to mention that and edited the post to include the answer. It's always New York money.

  9. you welcome and thanks for the info ;)

  10. Thank you for posting this... I would never of known that this was an error... thanks!!! They gifted me 50RP!!! Wowsiers... Thanks~!!!

  11. It auto-heals for me. Works fine when you use firefox and unframe twice before click the "like a boss" bookmarklet.

  12. Works great in firefox on mac. Have used it for multiple fights now, both with the manual option and the auto option. I use the instructions printed above by Anonymous on the 3rd but always fight in Vegas:
    1. Open Mafia Wars.
    >> GO TO LAS VEGAS <<
    2. Click on "unframe-mw" spocklet to unframe.
    3. Click on "unframe-mw" spocklet to add scroll bar.
    4. Click on Brazil mission.
    5. Click on "Go Now" button.
    6. Click on "Like a Boss!" bookmarklet.
    7. Select manual or auto....
    Each hit in Vegas is 2x or 3x the damage so boss dies sooner.


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