Feb 16, 2011

Secret Stashes


I really hate writing about the Secret Stash because it rarely works and everybody thinks that people are stealing them.  Nobody is stealing anything. If you want to blame someone for your Secret Stashes not working, look no further than Zynga. It's been so many months that this feature has been cluttering our walls and causing the posters and postees to do so much clicking for so little gain. To make things more complicated there are 2 Secret Stash features in the game. The first one works just fine but it really sucks and is hardly worth the effort.  You know the annoying pop-up you get while doing jobs and you have to select the least crappy of 3 items for 5 or your mafia members to get.

The second Secret Stash that has had all the problems since it's inception is the one you share with one of you individual mafia members who helped you during a fight.
Lets take a look at what the problem with this feature is.  Here is my wall and it's just cluttered with these posts.
I don't have time to open these individually as it would take all day so I use the Get Your Loot bookmarklet by Team Spockholm to open them. If you haven't used this bookmarklet, read my instructions (1).  I opened a total of 17 Secret Stashes and here are all the windows I had to go through because you still need to open them manually due to the option to say "No Thanks".
The vast majority of my Secret Stashes contained the all too familiar message "This stash has already been found. Fight another mafia to find your own.".  I'm sorry but that was my own.
Coming in second place is the Secret Stash that you can open but nothing is inside of it.
Now for third place (which really should be first). Of all these Secret Stashes, I got two loot items and they were the same thing!
Last time I checked, Performance Sports Cars sucked! And Zynga wonders why most don't bother with this feature.
Here is what sucks you into this non-sense. Every now and then, somebody gets lucky and has a Secret Stash that not only works but it contains a great loot item.
Zynga has known about the problems with Secret Stashes for a very long time.  It was addressed in the first Forum Board Question and Answer Chat (1) but was a question answered with a question (nobody likes those). This answer was not satisfying at all!
Fast forward to the second Question and Answer session (1) and we get an answer that we have been hearing for months.  We are working on revamping these aspects of the game".  I like HLK GMs solution, "Scap if you can't fix".
For more information and history on the Secret Stash feature as well as all the controversy, you can do a search on this blog or make it easier on yourself and read the notes my friend Misty Dady of Mistyfied Mafia Wars & Pimping put together(1)(2).

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I friggin' hate those stashes...I hate them I hate them I hate them!!!!!

    I don't care if you get a good one every once in a while or not...the loot is terrible 99.9999999999% of the time....Plus, you have enough crap to seed through on your FB wall and do not need more post that do not do anything or help anyone. And if Zynga is still thinking that at least NON mafia wars people might be lured into the game (which I doubt they are) it isn't going to work anyway because they have probably already BLOCKED the game.

    I like the idea...if it doesn't work REMOVE it...is someone at Zynga afraid of getting crap over it? I would bet more people would cheer than would frown :(

    but I want another frog.... :)) 99.999999% chance I will not try to open another stash until I see a post on MW Loot Ladies blog cheering that they are working. nuff said.

  2. Loot Lady seemed to have missed one: "You cannot steal from XXX" msg when you try to open a loot posted on your wall from XXX!

    Love the humor, if it was intended that way. Sadly, it is just Zynga.

  3. I don't post Secret Stashes, but they are a great way to figure out which of your inactive MW-only friends has stopped playing Mafia Wars (if they haven't blocked the game entirely). Just visit their wall and look at the heaping piles of spam posts.


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