Feb 11, 2011

Forum Chat: Questions & Answers 2112011


Today was the second installment of the Forum Chat: Question & Answers.  It looks like another success as far as getting player feedback. I sure hope they have more of these. Many thanks to Cerulean Master for organizing everything and putting what we really want to know in one place.

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Hey Mafia Fans,

This weeks hour long session has come to an end. For anyone that may have missed the two sessions that were held today, all answered questions are quoted below.

We will announce on the forum and through a Fan Blast when the next Chat with the Mafia Wars Team session is scheduled.



Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Originally Posted by grizltyear View Post
When is this going to be corrected? I know my self and at least one other person that has had the last 2 episodes of Moscow through Bangkok have rest on them after hitting the "finish him" button.
Hi Grizltyear,

The action you explain is not an issue with the game, there is an issue with your account. For some reason your account fails to recognize the progress of beating the boss and so it resets you back again.

In cases like yours, you need to contact Customer Support. They can review the account and potentially find the issue causing the account to be stuck in this loop.

I hope this helps you plow through bosses and close out those chapters.


Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Originally Posted by charlie pebble View Post
Having mistakenly made the Amur leopard and wolf giftable for the first couple of days they were out, and then removed them from being giftable, when are you going to remove them from some people's wishlists? I notice that some are still able to receive them, whereas most of us can't. Surely you are not allowing people to play on a level playing field when a few can receive certain gifts while most of us can't. Alternatively, why not acknowledge the mistake and make them giftable for everyone.

Thank you for bringing up this issue. We know that the items did go out giftable which was an unintended thing. I will follow up with the team to ensure we get them wiped from the wishlist.

Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by ManiacGers View Post
Will the secret stashes that pop up randomly while doing jobs ever be updated to include things such as Italian build parts/ consumables? Seems fair given they contain Las Vegas and Bangkok items at times.

I think I speak for many people when I say getting a choice of one of three things to post for others to collect that includes hideously outdated stuff such chain guns (easily bought from the NY store) is getting a bit wearing now.
This is a good suggestion and we are currently looking to update many aspects of the game. Including loot drops, secret stashes, etc.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by Miki077 View Post
When someone changed language and then sent me a gift, I got on my wall written in same language like player is using. why is not in language which I use?
This is due to the fact that the message originates with the player. We are looking to improve this but don't currently have an ETA.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by jamiejames316 View Post
Last week you stated you would be addressing the issues with Myspace MW within the next 2 weeks. It has been 1 week already so can you tell us what progress has been made and what if any issues have been addressed so far. And if you have not addressed any of the issues yet, do you plan to address them in the next week or is it going to continue to be put on hold?
Thank you
We are making progress and will be able to discuss next week.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by srjat603 View Post
I'm a level 610 player and I love the game except for fighting. I continually get beat up all day long and when I look to see who has been attacking me it's always players 2000+ levels above me. I wouldn't mind getting beat by someone around my level but obviously someone who has been playing for that much longer is going to beat me.
A great way to gain fighting support is to search out and associate with Clans/Families.

Each clan or family has their own set of rules and requirements for joining. You can find out more about them and search out which one would be a good fit for you through the Mafia Wars Wiki...

Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by electric2491 View Post
My question is when i level up i'm not getting my rp every time i do level up,in the past week i've lost more than 10+ rp after leveling up,is this a glitch or what?..i feel i'm being cheated out of my rp that i worked to get!!!...and why can't i see what stash i received from some one when i click to accept it??? can you make it so our energy rolls over when we level up,i'm tired of loosing my energy when i have 200-300 left right before i level up....stamina rollover would be nice too!!
RP isn't rewarded at every level up... it is at every other level up.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by codywebb18 View Post
I was thinking add on to the pawn shop to where you can trade in your extra chop shop parts weapons depot parts etc. If your done upgrading all the properties and trade them in for a loot item with good attack and defense or what not. Thank you al..
Good feedback... Thank you!
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by arkinator View Post
what dizzy said but also make exp the same from dead targets.that would solve all the live target issues
While it is pointless to kick a dead horse... We are working on surfacing up more live players.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by HLK GM View Post
Let's face it if we remove half the stuff that offers worthless prizes / loot would the game not be more streamlined and better ??

1. Daily chance.. old, boring
2. Secret Stashes... the ones we post to our wall.. loot is old ( I do NOT need anymore French balls thanks )
3. Stashes .. ones we post to others walls. HOW many times is it gonna say " sorry already found " Scrap if you cant fix
4. Mystery Boost.. super dooper mystery boosts we wouldnt miss quite frankly

Dont think I need to continue 
We are working on revamping these aspects of the game
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
For all those looking for a little protection or help in fighting... Clans, or Families as most like to call them, are a great way to get support and help as well as some training on how to be a more strategic fighter.

As stated before, each clan/family has their own rules and requirements for joining.

I recommend doing a little research and asking around. Most families are super friendly and welcoming to questions.

Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by ozdewiz View Post
Why is it, when I buy 100 Protective Suits for 200 Loyalty Points I rarely GET 100 suits yet you ALWAYS take 200 Loyalty Points ...Last few times I have spent 200 of my HARD EARNED Loyalty Points I have recieved LESS THAN 50 (44, 48 & 47 suits)...This is a plain RIP-OFF!!!
If there is a problem with what you are purchasing, please contact customer service and they will be able to look at the activity of your account.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by Bypass View Post
Why is money still nearly irrelevant?

Why did Fight loot drops reduce horribly this week?
We are working on fixing this. As to your money questions, we are also looking at how to improve many aspects of the game... your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Originally Posted by CrazyCraveman View Post
Good points by ALL who have posted about the unfair fighting situation! Not to beat the dead horse even more...but I don't care what is said. It is pure BS that I, only a 845 level player, should always be attacked time after time...again and again...by those who are at level 1,500, 2,000, 3,000, 5,000 and higher...YES HIGHER! I was iced by someone the other day who was a 20,000+ level player!

It is time that fights are between more even leveled players! It kind of reminds me of a gutless coward who is too afraid to fight...unless he has 10 friends with him while you're all alone!

Those who are level 500 to 600, should be fighting and being attacked by those who are also level 500 to 600...level 1000 to 1100...level 2500 to 2500...and so on. NOT level 845 like myself against a level 2845 player!
We understand this and are trying to find the best solution.
Originally Posted by Mafia Wars Mafia Boss View Post
Originally Posted by boyvelo View Post
Are you planning to bring back some type of stamina refill for playing the game or for the FC? Last summer was very fun with all the stamina refill options, we miss those.
We actually have some interesting stuff planned around fighting- probably involving consumables and meainginful attack choices. We have tentatively scheduled our first Boss Fight event to release in the next 2 weeks.
Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Originally Posted by TexDan View Post
Can we fix the fight screen? So we don't have to manually scroll up or is it a browser issue?
This issue has been escalated, we made recent changes to the fight program and this portion needs some additional love.

Thank you for raising the issue here.

Originally Posted by Mafia Wars Mafia Boss View Post
Originally Posted by return of death View Post
yeah lets..

how about this one. Why does your company shut peoples accounts and despite being emailed numerous times give no clear explanation to why. Rather than just stating breaking of TOS which is pathetic and vague.

Also why do your support teams not have a phone. Your customer care sucks
We have a very specific pattern for treating people who are locked out. It depends on the reason for the lockout, sometimes based on fb behavior, sometimes based on MW behavior. We also look at past history with a particular player. Answers vary, based on the situation, including complaints about other players.

With regard to phone customer service, it's much less efficient for both sides- communication is actually clearer in writing and we have access to all prior communications with a player if done in writing. By the way, we are aggressively increasing CS staffing, both within MW and at Zynga overall.
Originally Posted by Mafia Wars Mafia Boss View Post
Originally Posted by rebecca wampler View Post
..wondering what is going to happen once the Valentine Energy packs are gone? I am sure I won't be logging on but once per day to burn my one and only energy pack.
We know players have been really positive with the energy refill change. We're still adjusting, but we have some fun story stuff planned around energy packs in the near future. We think you'll like it. 
Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Originally Posted by VinceRyan View Post
Is there anything you can do about the flash? Waiting literally like 5 minutes for Vegas and Italy Properties to load is a major drag. When do you foresee the loot drops going back to normal? And the ever popular FC question: When will we get them back?
RE: Property Collection
1) if you aren't using Chrome, I would try this, many players report having a better experience.

2) we are working on a collect from all properties button which should make everyone have a faster experience when collecting due to cutting down page loading and number of clicks.

RE: Fight Club
Many of our players love Fight Club, we are working on getting funding internally to continue to update this highly popular feature. Currently the team is busy working on some new projects but we will weigh this feedback about FC into our planning process.

Originally Posted by Mafia Wars Mafia Boss View Post
Originally Posted by mooseman45 View Post
how about fixing the gifting , go to the once a day instead of this every 24 hr. bs, to hard to play the game on that basis all the other games do it the other way why not MW !
Great question. I thought we did do it on a shorter timer. Will check- will make sure that we do it in the most allowable gifts way. 
Originally Posted by Mafia Wars Mafia Boss View Post
Originally Posted by maxmin12 View Post
hey restore the fight loot rates back to normal
also why do i get chop shop/other ny items while doing jobs in Italy.isnt it a bit crazy i mean i dont get cooling vest or any stuff like that while doing job in ny or any city other than vegas for that matter
also add all the building parts of italy to free gift page
We actually made a change to INCREASE the likelihood of rares dropping, so you see a little less of commons.
Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Originally Posted by arkinator View Post
they lied to you or they screwed up.the new fight loot has all but stopped today.3500 stamina today and did not get 1.rare is 1 thing buit that is non exsistant.
Hi Arkinator,

I have QA running tests right now due to the number of players raising this issue. Hopefully we will know more soon.

Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Originally Posted by Fastballer View Post
I guess nobody can answer this question .......I guess that's why it hasn't been addressed for the past 2 years....

How about fixing the my mafia pages and making easier to sort through your mafia and also getting rid of people that have stopped playing. This issue should have been addressed years ago.

Thanks for blowing off my questions again!!!!
Hi Fastballer,

This option used to be more prevalent in game. The community team is listing this as a requested community tool.

Thank you for bringing it up today.

Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Originally Posted by Bobby The Shark View Post
Bring back the stamina refill if we win a few hands at poker....

Also, the bonus from Vampire Wars is busted.... It says click here to collect, I click it and nothing happens (it takes me to the screen but no XP or anything). Then I go back to the VW page and the link is still there, mocking me... 
Thanks Bobby,

We'll let the team know how much you all like the cross promotional rewards from other Zynga games.

I'll follow up on the Vampire Wars reward. There is a possibility that the promo has ended but there may be some existing code in play.

Thanks again for bringing this up.

Originally Posted by Mafia Wars Mafia Boss View Post
Thanks all!

I've got to leave. We'll be doing these on a regular basis (at least a few times per month). We try to blast ahead of the chat to make sure that people are aware.

Take Care.

Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Thank you all for participating... We will be hosting these every so often.. so please watch the forums and fan page.
Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Thank you everyone for joining us in this round of "Forum Discussions with the Development Team."

We appreciate your feedback, and have a list of several burning issues that we see repeated by many of you.

Our team will continue to do these chats regularly with a 24 hour announcement and and other notices through our fan pages. We are committed to improving the game based on player feedback and these sessions assist us in finding topics and issues that are relevant and current.

Thanks again for your participation.


Hey, where is my answer? I did submit a question and hopefully it will get answered next time.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I started using this: http://www.mafiawarstips.com/Guide/Achievements3.html

    About 1 month before new Italy regions came out, then I took some time off to finish the Italy regions, and now going back to earning this achievement.

    I am up to 500+ Trillion, and am about 2 weeks away from this achievement. Totally doable!!! It's boring and tedious though.

  2. I outlined it here but way too boring to follow. I want an easier way!

  3. You aren't the only one that didn't get your questions answered. As one of those "privileged" people on a "special" server I wanted to know how they are going to resolve the disparity created (between characters on special and regular servers) when limited time promos are unavailable to us. The Manhattan server STILL doesn't have any Missions and I've missed out on the Kelly M45s for the "Brother" promotion and all the other loot. Of course, I wonder what will happen if they release Manhattan as the next city too!!! Would have been nice to hear their plans for us.

    However, I say "us" quite "loosely" as I have yet to find another person on the Manhattan server who is active!

  4. Well, as expected they had no time to answer any serious questions...


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