Feb 4, 2011

Forum Chat: Question and Answers Part 2


Yesterday you were told about a Q and A(1) that was going to be going on on the Zynga Forum Board at 2 PM PST. today.
 It lasted for one hour and alot of questions were answered by Blue Eyed Nate, Jonezie Malone, and Mafia Wars Mafia Boss. To see all the questions that were answered check out the Forum Thread HERE, or you can read them below......
  1. What is your vision for the future of this game.
  2. When will the SMS achievements be made available to players outside of the US?
  3. Why did you take away good energy/stamina job loot drops that had rail gun barrels, portable fusions, windows, sea eagles, building parts, etc...?
  4. There is too much free health being given out. Is there anything planned to correct this issue? (Clans)
  5. Why has the fight club energy refill not been placed back where it originally was?
  6. Why are all the servers not the exact same?

  7. Is it possible to implement a slot machine that is random, but not rigged?
  8. When are you going to stop changing the goalposts?
  9. Could we receive answers to the rumors of Injected Accounts?
  10. Do the Devs actually play the game?
  11. Where is the "Remove from Mafia" button?
  12. Why is there so much flash in the Italy properties?
  13. Why is Italy loot not giftable?
  14. When are you going to make Italy consumables giftable?
  15. When are you going to make Italy LEL giftable?
  16. Why do parts of my game display in Spanish from time to time when I have never chosen Spanish as the language to use in the game?
  17. When will players be able to cash in the envelopes of Baht?
  18. Why do you not tell us when you have implemented changes to the game instead of waiting to see who notices first?
  19. Why do you ask us what we want in the game then ignore it or give us something totally different?
  20. When will the loot in Mystery Bags/Robbing/Crime Spree be changed?
  21. Why is there a cap on XP gained from riding the hitlist?
  22. Will the Safecracker extra 15% cash from fights ever be displayed again?
  23. Will the "Orange Blob" under our burners number ever return to the MW robbing page?
  24. Will Atlantic City Jobs ever be fixed to Display the Wheelman decrease in Energy costs and Mastermind increase in XP gain on the main Jobs screen?
  25. Why do you feel Justified in removing features of the game that players loved and sometimes earned?
  26. Why has the bug with Secret Stashes not been resolved?
  27. Is more going to be added to Atlantic City?

Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
We're about to get started...
Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Our data is cached so we don't need to make as many system to system calls. This improves performance for all users.

After a few days the new image should post.

Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Why am I unable to perform jobs in Atlantic City?
-You need to access the mobile version of the game, either from your phone, or go to m.mafiawars.com on the web
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
When will the limit of sending 10,000 gifts a day be increased?
-For system stability reasons, we are not planning on increasing this limit.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Will loot drops be increased?
-It depends on which. We feel like the Italy property drops were a bit too tight, and the next city will be a little easier. We introduced some new high end loot drops for Italy 6-7-8, we are monitoring how many of those people are accumulating, and will raise (or lower!) the drop rates as needed.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Why is more added to the game when there are bugs preventing us from playing?
-Believe it or not, we aggressively go after every bug that we know of, and are constantly monitoring or CS tickets to generate new bugs. In fact, over 20% of every single devs time is dedicated to working on bugs. At the same time, we want to keep introducing new content and new features to keep the game fresh and exciting.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Will energy boosts ever be giftable again?
-Probably not. At least not without severe limits on how many you could give/receive per day. It is too easy to exploit this gift and level up at an unacceptably high rate with these boosts.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Will there ever be a stamina pack?
-It is something we have considered. We don’t have immediate plans for it, but I would not be surprised to see it in the future.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Will robbing ever be updated with new loot?
-Yes, pretty soon too.
Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Hi Boyvelo,

There are two teams involved with delivering content for Atlantic City. Here at Zynga we have a mobile team and our FB application team. Today's activity is focused mainly on the FB application team. We will take your question to the mobile team as well as Customer Support and work to get more attention to the issue you have raised here.

Thank you for bringing up this topic.

Originally Posted by Mafia Wars Mafia Boss View Post
MySpace issues

MW Boss here-

MySpace has been an issue at Zynga for months. We are finally in the process of resolving this question and our primary concern is to take care of the passionate users who have been playing MW for years. Expect clarification and action within the next 2 weeks.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
When is the next platinum sale?
Sales come and go and we always advertise when they are happening.

We do have some fun things in the works for the next couple of weeks.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
What is your strategy for improving the amount of targets on the fight list?

ANSWER: We are looking at ways of getting more people on the fightlists, including people that may of stopped playing showing up from time to time (when their health has fully regenned). We recognize that the rate at which people become iced on the lists is unnacceptably high right now.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
When are you going to make it so I can purchase RP for others "My Clan"? Currently, you can use gift cards for this.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Will there ever be a notification informing us when operations are complete?

ANSWER: We are taking a look at retuning how operations work. Currently, they drop way too often, and there are just too many unfinished operations out there. We want to make them more rare, and feel more special when you get one, and make it more likely for them to get completed. Also, we are looking at ways of allowing you to help on "friends of firends" operations. finally, if we do make them more rare, we would naturally look at giving them better loot as well. Basically, we like the feature, but some of the tuning is just a bit off.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Do you feel the pop-ups are getting out of control?

100% yes. The first thing we're doing is removing unneccessary pop-ups in the game. The second thing is to give you control over the information so you can decide what you want to see or not see. We're currently looking the best way to give you this control but the bottom line is that we recognize pop ups are a problem we intend to fix this. We will be looking for feedback in the near future.
Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
When will you stop using so much Flash?

Flash code will continue to be used in the game but is not used as much as players believe it is currently. We are working towards more HTML 5 code but timelines for this are futuristic.

For those of you having trouble with Flash, we have reports from our community that some browsers work better with Flash than others due to how memory is stored within the browser cache. Some browsers do not store any memory and are said to perform better. It might be worth switching up your browser if you are experiencing lag or performance issues.

There are multiple software and hardware systems at play with each game session. Sometimes the solution is to try to find what combination works best for you and your computer and sometimes just like real world traffic you just need to wait out the jam...

Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
There is too much free health being given out. Is there anything planned to correct this issue? (Clans)

Please clarify this question... what health is being given out?
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
We are talking earthdays... .
Originally Posted by Jonezie Malone View Post
Please link to your question, we are working on responding to hundreds of questions and may not be able to get to your complex question during this hour. We are happy to revisit it and will try to address every question asked.

Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Is it possible to implement a slot machine that is random, but not rigged?
ANSWER:  I hate to be the one to say this, but in a very real sense ALL slot machines are rigged.  They are programmed to give away a certain % of the money they take in (generally 75%-95% of their take).  This % is distributed into small and large payouts.  The thing is, you never know when a particular pull is going to result in a jackpot so they seem random, and in fact they are random over a small sample size.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Q: Many of the dedicated players on this forum have said in no uncertain terms that we hate spam events, and would rather have the fight/rob/job for loot drops. You will see that many folks even have it as their signature that they refuse to spam their walls with this garbage, and many have quit the game over this. Do you plan to listen and end these no-fun events?

A: We've heard you and share your concerns around "spammy" events. We are always looking for ways for you to have fun playing with friends and earn the coolest loot. We're working on creating the types of events you've told us you want and we're also looking at ways to keep them fresh and put them in the game at the right times. We need more feedback from you! The events should be fun, cool, and contain great rewards to make it less spammy.
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
Why has the bug with Secret Stashes not been resolved?
ANSWER: Are you refering to the job secret stashes, or the fighting ones? And what bug is it exactly?
Originally Posted by Blue Eyed Nate View Post
When will cheaters be banned?
and i'm anxious to hear your response about how you are dealing with the FB players that have been caught injecting their accounts.

ANSWER: We maintain a matrix of in-game punishments for players caught participating in exploits, and we take these actions very seriously. Our response to any violation is dependent on the severity of the infraction, and any previous violations of our ToS that a player has had. Our tools continue to evolve in their sophistication and ability to track player behavior. We do believe in giving every player an appropriate warning the first time they are caught, but those who are caught a second time do not receive the same leniency.

It was closed out with a statement from CM that said....

Hey Mafia Fans,
We appreciate everyone taking the time to join in on the Q&A.
To make it easier for anyone that may have missed the chat session, all posts have been unapproved, but we can still see them and plan on answering them at a later date.
Be sure to keep your thinking hats on. When I am notified of the next session, I will begin a new thread for you to place your questions for answers.
Until then, Go Pennsylvania Ironworkers!

Article written by Mike Nestor, Admin of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Cre Member of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Helpful,but come ON-is it really possible that Nate wouldn't know exactly what the issue is with secret stashes? We've been complaining about it for at least 9 months, and the standard reply is, "Our developers are aware of the problem and..." His answering the question WITH a question sounded a bit evasive to me...

  2. I love how they said the solution to the bug locking all my atlantic city jobs is togo to the site. No shit. When I go there all the jobs are locked. I hate the devs

  3. I prolly should know this...and i feel kinda like a newb for asking. But, what is.."injecting an account"?

  4. Well, they didn't answer most of the interesting questions....

  5. it's clear from the dev's answers that he was a casual player much like the dev that stated he wasn't fight mastery 21 yet made the choice to remove the original energy refills from fight club that we all worked hard to get access to.


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