Feb 4, 2011

Cooked Books and Hidden Charges now on Free Gifts


Today Zynga has added the Cooked Books and Set of Hidden Charges to our Free Gift List.
These are 2 of the Italy Consumables that we need from Regions 4 and 5 that we need so many of. You can also use Link-a-nator and Get-a-nator from Team Spockholm to get these also. But it seems that there is a limit of 10 on each per day.

Article written by Mike Nestor, Admin of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Crew Member of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Its better than nothing but we are limited at 10 each per day :.(

  2. That is a great change. Limit of 10 sucks, but this helps when trying to complete the tiers big time.

  3. woo hoo more advertising for people to get banned with tiny urls , more class work dum ass keep it up ...

  4. you are dum ass coz u dont know how to use tiny urls or make links


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