Oct 15, 2010

Remove Yourself From Missions


I've reviewed the bookmarklets that you can use to identify mission participants. For the helpers, use Mission ID by Team Spockholm and for the initiators use Mission Owner by Arun.  Now there is a script written by a mafia wars player named Richard you can use to remove yourself from any mission.  Pistol Pete combined Martin's and Arun's script into one and Arun added Richards code into the mix.  You can currently find this superscript on The Mafia Task Force Fourm Boards in a discussion thread titled How to: Find The Owner of a MISSION .  When you get there, scroll sown until you see this post and install the bookmarklet. I'm sure Arun and Team Spockholm will update their sites soon.
Now when you use Mission Owner, you will find all the links you need plus an option to remove yourself from the mission.  If you have a mission that is obviously going nowhere, click on "Remove" and it will be deleted from your missions page and the spot will be cleared out for new missions.
Instructions for Mission ID and Mission Owner can be found on the articles I referenced above.  To use the script written by Richard, copy and paste the code below into you browser bar.  Make sure your game is unframed and you are on the missions page before you begin.


You can do a funny thing with this code but I don't recommend it.  If you do the work for a job, remove yourself, join another job, and repeat, you can hold every position in a mission.  When you collect your reward the mission disappears.  Since you only get one reward, it's a total waste of energy and stamina.
A nice thing Zynga has done is they have changed it so each mission page holds 3 instead of 2 missions.  It takes so long for the pages to load that this really helps us out.  I wish it were 5 per page but this is a big improvement.  There is no escaping the rotating bullets but now we have to go through this less frequently.
If Zynga would have added Mission participant ID's and the option to opt out, there would be very little to complain about.  Everybody I know loves the Mission feature.  Maybe they couldn't figure out how to do that so they released it in hopes that Martin, Pete, Arun, Dookie, and Richard would figure it out for them.  Below is a parody of what may have happened at Zynga Head Quarters.


  1. You are F~ing Hilarious, I love that you put the Zynga Skit at the end! HAHAHA, I am glad I wasnt off today and was able to get these pics on my cell and the convo over to you, I wish you were there to see this, these coders here at zynga, geez... I think some of them got their degrees out of a cracker jack box.
    Luv Ya~

  2. wow great script i was previously using the 3 combined to get the same asffect, this is PERFECT!

  3. cannot get this to work

  4. Hmm, it seems the javascript in RED is truncated...
    Do you have the full script ? Would love to test it out.

    Removed myself with the Mission Owner BM but it won;t let me join in again: "already a member of this mission"...

    Would rather spend the en to complete the last spot than to just let it go to waste...

  5. nm, found the whole script in red here it is:

    javascript: (function() {
    varo = [];
    vari = [];
    while (m = /SocialMissionController.doTask.'([a-f0-9]+)','([a-f0-9]+)'/g.exec(document.body.innerHTML)) {
    alert('Antiriad\'sMissionRemoverv0.1\n\nFound' + i.length + 'missionsonthispage');
    for (m = 0; m < i.length; m++) {
    if (confirm('Wouldyouliketoremovemission' + m + '?\n\n(owner' + o[m] + 'instance' + i[m] + ')')) SocialMissionController.removeMission(o[m], i[m]);

  6. Hey Lady,

    it does not work for me or is it because of the rescent changes of the missions? Is there already a new script?


  7. Not Working, wtfh?


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