Oct 10, 2010

Mission Owner


Special Agent Dookie of the Mafia Task Force has figured out a way to get the Facebook ID of any mission initiator.  He wrote complete instructions which can be found on the Mafia Task Force forum discussion thread titled How To: Find the owner of a MISSION.  I was a little nervous as I read them because I'm no computer wiz and this looked a little complicated to me.  I especially didn't like the part when Dookie said "If you do not know how to use Firebug then this procedure is beyond you".  The last time I tried to use Firebug, I was reminded that I suck at using computers.  I was determined to figure it out so I could demonstrated my results.  I was impressed with Dookies instructions and felt confident that I could do it.  Good thing I kept reading because Arun automated Dookies process and created a new bookmarklet called Mission Owner.  Now the computer inept can easily determine who the initiator of any mission is.

To start using Mission ID today follow the steps below.  If you are new to using bookmarklet programs, review my articles on Bookmarklet Installation and Common Problems.  If you are looking for the Facebook profile ID of the mission helpers, use Mission ID by Team Spockholm.

1.  Go the the discussion thread linked above and scroll down to the response made by Arun.  Locate the Mission Owner bookmarklet.  As of this posting the bookmarklet is not listed on Arun's new site called Code Outpost/Outpost Mafia Tools.  I'm sure it will be very soon. 
2.  Click, Drag, and Drop Mission Owner into your browsers bookmark toolbar.
3.  Go to you Mafia Wars game and unframe it.  You will need to use the Unframe-MW bookmarklet located on the Spockholm Mafia Tools Stable Page to do so.  All Facebook framing around your game will be gone if you did it right.  Click on Unframe-MW a second time to get the scroll bars in place so you navigate around the Missions page.
4.  Use the Missions Tab to get to the "My Mafia Missions" page.
5.  Click on Mission Owner which should now be located in your bookmark toolbar and wait about a second.  You will then see the Mafia Wars profile of the mission owner.
6.  Click on the link and you will be directed to the Mafia Wars profile of the mission initiator.
7.  Use the Switch bookmarklet by Team Spockholm to get to the initiators Facebook profile.  If you haven't used the Switch bookmarklet yet, it can be found on the Spockholm Mafia Tools Stable Page.  If you need instructions on how to use Switch, click HERE to view an excellent video created by Scott Rendall, The Mafia Wars Video Guy.
8.  When Switch takes you to the Facebook profile of the mission initiator, you can now send a inbox message asking them to remove any slackers. Special Agent Dookie says "send a polite message asking them to remove the slow MISSION performer and to replace them.  Don't be a noob yourself-ALLOW A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME FROM THE INITIAL MISSION POST TO THE REQUEST FOR SLOW PERFORMER REPLACEMENT!".  I didn't actually send the message above because not enough time had elapsed for me to make that request.  I agree with Dookie and think that you should give players an adequate amount of time before you start to pressure the initiators.
Credit goes to Special Agent Dookie for figuring out where the code for identifying mission initiators is found, and Arun for making the process easy for all of us to use.  Special thanks to Team Spockholm and Joyka for the the ancillary bookmarklets associated with Mission Owner.


  1. I just tried it, but it didn't work

  2. The Mission Owner Bookmarklet didn't seem to work..
    Nothing happens afteer clicking on it..
    Can u plz. recheck and guide us..

  3. Not working at all (I mean, Arun's BM) :-(

  4. It work in Chrome for me but not in FF

  5. Fixed now works in FF

  6. It doesn't work - I'll take my chances using firebug.

  7. ...Assuming you could actually get 20 Loyalty Points for every 6th Daily Chance ticket submitted, it would take 125 days to earn enough of them to buy one 500 Loyalty Point loot!....

    Assuming you could get 20 loyalty points for every 6th ticket, it would take 25 days.

  8. Wrong post to comment on, but it would take 25 days if you submitted 6 tickets everyday. We only get one per day so you need to multiply 25 by 6.~Jennifer


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