Jul 4, 2010

2X Job Mastery


Now we get double job mastery for the next 48 hours.  This would have been really cool for me because I was working on mastering Bangkok Episode 7.  Due to a glitch in my account, I mastered Episode 7 without doing any of the jobs past Chapter 1.  This would be awesome except for the fact that I'm now stuck on Chapter 1 and can't move forward.  Because the BK exp/energy ratios were greatly improved, I want to have access to the "Battle Your Way Through The Temple" job and get all the skill points for mastering each job and job tier.
I went to The Zynga Customer Support Page expecting to take care of my issue via the live chat option.  To read all the nice things I had to say about it, click HERE.  When I got there, I wasn't happy with what I saw.
This was replaced
With This
Really? We all know how ridiculous the Mafia Wars Forum Boards can be.  Sure there is useful information but you have to search through a sea of whinny crybabies to find anything with substance.  Most of the posters who have anything decent to say get banned.  To read what John Sweeney Jr. had to say about this change in his blog, The Zynga and Facebook Blog, click HERE.  I'll throw in the picture he used to give you an idea of how he really feels.
According to marliepanda, a FarmVille Moderator, The live chat option is still available, just not all the time.  Click HERE to follow this thread.
I wasn't going to count on the live chat to just magically appear so I created a Customer Support Ticket with Zynga.  If you don't know how to do this, read my article Create a Zynga Customer Support Ticket.
The screen shot I sent wasn't good enough because they wanted the entire screen.  After that I was told "The issue you are experiencing is a current issue that the Game Developers are trying hard to fix".  The whole process took about 40 hours.  I wish the Game Developers tried harder so I could enjoy the 2X Job Mastery this weekend.  The live chat option is better but I haven't seen it in a long time.  


  1. jen try to be nice when posting a support request and over explain the whole thing, since i started being super nice most of mine have been fixed within 24 hours
    it seems they are nicer to the social players rather then the hard core players

  2. So they don't like it when you call them a bunch of douchebags?


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