Jul 3, 2010

Attack X: Team Spockholm


Since we will be getting double the loot sometime this weekend, I decided to take a break from robbing.  AttackX by Spockholm Mafia Tools is another fighting bookmarklet program.  There is often confusion between this program and Brawler by Arun's Mafia Helpers (read my article for instructions on using  Beta Brawler).  Both of these programs will attack people for you but AttackX is specific to one opponent and Brawler Beta has a wide range of targets and options.  Attack X is quicker but you will only get one icing added to your Mafia Wars Statistics per run.  Once the chosen target is iced, AttackX will keep pounding them until you tell it to stop or you run out of stamina.  They both will heal and log statistical data for you.  For a great statistical analysis between these two programs in regards to experience/stamina ratios and loot drop percentages, read this Top Mafia.Info Forum Thread.  Follow the instructions below to learn how to use AttackX.
Read these articles if you're not sure how to install bookmarklets or encounter problems (1),(2).
1.  Go to the Spockholm Mafia Tools Beta Page and locate AttackX Beta.  There is a stable version of Attack X but the Beta one is better because it will update itself for you.

2.  Click, drag and drop AttackX Beta into your bookmarklet toolbar.

3.  Find somebody you hate and go to their MW profile page.  Use the Switch bookmarklet program to get there from someones Facebook Profile.  Switch can be found on the Spockholm Mafia Tools Stable Page.  From a friend or enemies Facebook Profile page, click on Switch once and like magic you will be directed to their MW profile page. You can also select your victim from a Mafia Wars profile in your player updates, the PvP fighters and rivals lists, the Hitlist, or the Robbing page.  Any Mafia Wars Profile that is NOT a member of your own mafia will do for AttackX to work.
4.  Once you've decided who to attack, from your bookmark toolbar, click on Attack X once to unframe and click on it a second time to start attacking.  There are a few settings to adjust and Attack X will keep going until you run out of stamina.
Attacks:  The total number of stamina points that you currently have available will appear in the box.  You can change this to a lower number if you don't want to use all of your stamina on one person.
Continue or Pause on event:  Click either one to make it keep going or pause.  You can also click the little blue thing to pause at any time.

Disable or Enable Power Attack:  I love the Power Attack, why would anybody want to disable it?  You can if you want to.
Delay:  Team Spockholm recommends a 1-3 second delay between attacks to deter detection of script use by Zynga.
Healing:  Choose the city you would like to be healed in.
Hide or Show Loot:  If you don't care to review the statistics of your run, choose Hide and the logs will not appear.
Hide or Show Log:  If you don't want to see the stats from every attack, choose Hide.  If you do, you can adjust the number of fights that will show up on the log.

5.  Your opponent will only see the attacks made when they were alive.  My first opponent was not happy and he put me on the hitlist.  When will these people learn that this a good thing for me?  I gain 44 exp points (50, -6 for the snuff) every time they do it.  To not ruffle anymore feathers, I decided to do the next run attacking my energy account.  You need to remove yourself from your energy accounts mafia first.  You can also run this program from your energy account and have it attack you.  This is the perfect way to steal Baht not to mention you also gain experience points for each attack.  To ensure you get as much Baht as possible, it's best to run another Spockholm bookmarklet program called Quick Healer on your own account.  For instructions for Quick Healer, read my article titled Quick Healer.  I know this is bad and may be viewed as cheating.  If this is wrong, then I don't want to be right!

6.  Review the statistics.  This is always my favorite part.
Attacks:  Tells you how many attacks you made.
Exp Gained:  Tells you how many experience points you received and calculates the experience/stamina ratio.
Money:  Tells you how much money you gained and spent to heal yourself.  Once your opponent is iced, you will not get any money. 
Damage:  Tells you how much damage you dealt and received.  It will also tell you how many points your overall attack and defense scores increased.  Your scores will increase if any loot is dropped with higher attack and defense scores than the loot you already have.
Loot:  Tells you how many loot items you received and lists exactly what they were.  It also calculates the loot drop percentage of High End and Regular Loot.
Log:  Shows you the fight data for each individual attack.
Here is the loot data on a run of 1776 attacks.

Of 1776 attacks, only two of them showed up in my "opponents" player updates.  Don't forget to send your energy account a Mafia Wars invite request to get it back into your mafia.  When you attempt to send all the loot you farmed to yourself and The Chucker doesn't work, you probably forgot to do this.  You don't want to look like a fool when you start a discussion thread on The Arun's Mafia Helpers Fan Site titled "Chucker Not Working".  I will admit that I have done this in the past.


  1. Damage: Tells you how much damage you dealt and received. I'm not sure what the +5 attack and +3 defense means. Maybe someone can comment so I can edit this article.

    <- this mean you gain +5 attack from the loot, ex from mine :
    [15:41] Gained 2 xp. [Attack] 86,909 [Defense] 88,943. Loot: 2x Shturmoviks
    [15:41] Gained 2 xp. [Attack] 86,887 [Defense] 88,943
    ..i got +22 attack from the shturmoviks...

  2. Thank you very much. I'm glad to see that smart people are reading my blog. I will add your info to this article.

  3. no if we use attack x we can get any loots from fight

  4. i love attack x but i can't find loots from attack x now

  5. If you followed this blog you would know that Zynga nerfed loot drops on dead targets. no loot and minimal exp. the only way to get loot using attack x is to put the account you're attacking on auto healer. there is a post of how to do that somewhere in this blog.

  6. attack-x = no longer available. :(


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