Feb 11, 2012

Extreme Mission #17: Fresher Blood


em2Marc the Extreme Mission Gunner is now on #17. This one looks like it can be done fairly quickly. These Extreme Missions would be a lot more enjoyable if they offered tasks that involve more than waiting to craft or collecting from a property!

Extreme Mission #17

Fresher Blood


To review Extreme Missions 1-16, go to the links below. Eventually I will get all of them on one post.

Extreme Missions #s 1-10

Extreme Mission #11

Extreme Mission #12

Extreme Mission #13

Extreme Mission #14

Extreme Mission #15

Extreme Mission #16

We all owe Marc Lanni a big thank you for sharing his Extreme Missions with us. Without him we would be waiting a long time to see what’s ahead.


  1. "more enjoyable if they offered tasks that involve more than waiting"

    My sentiments exactly. Why don't they just put on a task that says "wait 8 days" and be done with it.

  2. I would hardly call someone who buys their way through a 'Gunner'. That's an oxymoron.

    1. Agreed. And for what purpose, so ppl can see what's ahead. What a waste of RPs for loot that will soon be obsolete. Since these missions don't have a time limit, does it really require a walk-thru. It's different for limited-time missions, I appreciate the breakdowns for those b/c it helps to plan a strategy...but buying your way thru these Extreme Missions is a big waste of money IMO.

  3. what a poor proof of man-subordination to zyngs..t order. this guy, you might have all money you need in the world and it's probably true that you intend to help people to see what they are facing ahead. but you make it, honestly and tragically worst. you make zyngs..t to think that: there are enough people who are willing to trash away money for the insanity they introduced into the game. and you help them to increase the level of this insane anytime by keep buying the way. yeah, congrats, you can at least be proud to be the 1st rank on extreme mission finisher.

  4. My sentiments exactly. Why don't they just put on a task that says "wait 8 days" and be done with it.


  5. It will be fun doing this after Italy closes.

    1. hup, here endeth the extreme missions...
      presumably they didn't know Italy was going to close when they made these later missions, which wasn't long ago. Does the right hand know what the left hand is doing at Zynga?...

  6. The Neo-Imperium now controls all access to Italy, making travel impossible. Discover the criminal organization behind this organization. how finish hat mission...if Italy is closed...????

  7. Yeah i'm stuck at this one too after Italy closed, no way i'm paying 250 RP for that


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