Nov 15, 2011

Ice Seasons: 11


Ice Seasons: 11 is finally here. We have 14 days to get 1,500 ices.
We will be rewarded with loot and badges. The loot item is a Rough Vest and the stats get better as you accumulate ices. The stats and respective badges are shown below. If you need more details on how these things work, go here.
To refresh your memory, the milestone ice rewards are the same as they were for all the other Ice Seasons.
You will also notice that your last Ice Season badge has returned to your profile and the fightlist is once again populated with badges.

Comments are moderated and won't appear right away. For faster feedback to your questions, comment on the Fan Page referenced below.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. text needs reviewing as the number of ices has increased from 1k -> 1.5k for diamond 5. with this the milestones have changed too but the reward stays the same

  2. ¢нυ¢ку'ѕ мαѕтєяNovember 15, 2011 at 7:42 PM

    Same old Same old Yawn

  3. Okay, this may be a stupid question - but aren't these "Ice Seasons" at odds with "Family Battles"? If you hit the "bully throttle" by icing the same person too many times you don't get credit Ice Season credit for the ice, but in Family Battles it's common to be icing the same few people over and over (especially in smaller families). Seems something wrong there, unless they turn off the "bully throttle" when you're in a Family Battle.

  4. I like these badges for 1 thing: you can't buy progress with reward points. so if someone has a platin badge, I know he REALLY does his ices.
    tile kolup


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