Apr 16, 2011

"New" Limited Time Item


Sorry it's been a few days but I haven't gotten around to posting about the new Limited Time loot item on our Build Your Empire Module. These change every 14 days but aren't always something new. This one is the Shoulder Mounted Cannon and is crafted in the Weapons Depot. We've seen it before when it was the Limited Time Item back in January (1).
Like with all the other Limited Time Items, you need to get 10 building parts using the free gift system to unlock and build your first item and 5 for any additional ones. Any extra older parts you may have accumulated will be taken away and you have to start over. For the Shoulder Mounted Cannon you need Ammunition.
I really wish they would make these items something desirable. Why would anybody craft these items when there are much better ones available in the Weapons Depot? Weapon stats should mean nothing when selecting the item you choose to craft every 18 hours. It's the Skill Points added to your character that matter and will last forever. You get +2 Attack Points for crafting the new item but you can get +5 or +6 Attack Points for crafting the permanent ones. If they are going to continue to offer useless items they could at least create new ones so the collectors can enjoy this feature.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I didn't collect one in the last one, in fact didn't even receive enough parts to collect one. Not worth the time and effort. Not only that too many spamming events and operations.

  2. The only positive thing I can offer about these items is that they cost no parts to build them, only the ones you have to collect. If you can build them for a couple of weeks, it gives you some respite and allows you to build your parts count back up. That happened to me during the Cafe World/ Mafia Wars cross-game promotion, too. Sure, you don't get the absolute best stat item, but you get something with semi-decent stats and build your parts inventory back up.

  3. I have been a follower of this site for a while. Sometimes Google chrome does not get along well with IE. I appreciated the researched info you provide. It has been very helpful in my game play. I just wanted to say thanks.

  4. zynga ran out of ideas...theyr more in recycling now a days...lol

  5. Agree with the post about stockpiling parts by doing the specials over a short period. Now have several hundred parts to build the better ones. Should be able to catch up since the parts allow the top items every collect.


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