Feb 18, 2011

Leopard Tooth


Earlier today, I told you about a possible event called the Ancient Relic Event (1).  One of the 3 items called a Leopard Tooth can now be found in our inventory and I highly doubt it could be a Free Gift.  Look at the stats of this thing!
Leonard Wong, one of the admin for the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page came up with an interesting theory.  He went to one of the questions from the Zynag Forum Live Chat (1) and saw that Mafia Wars Mafia Boss (where do they come up with these names???) stated there is a Boss Fight Event scheduled for release in the next two weeks. This was 7 days ago.
Further supporting Leonard's theory is the fact that the Gecko and the Eviscerator Boots that I posted about yesterday now have stars on them (1).  Thanks to yagami999, there is third item called the Pack Hunter.  What's odd is there are no longer 4 of each item so where are the Bronze and Silver started items?
The Mayan Calender and the Inca Mask are still not in the inventory but the fact that an item coming out as a Mystery Bag with a message that the Ancient Relic Event is over strongly suggests a gifting event.
Let us know what you think is coming up.  There have been multiple events running at the same time (remember December?) so there are many possibilities here.  Thanks to Leonard for finding the Leopard Tooth and providing his theory.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. There's a Jeep too inventorywhat can get in that event

  2. Mafia is all screwed up I just logged in & The Governors Run is back on my Homepage LOL thats been gone for months


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