Feb 17, 2011

What's This


There is a new ad on the upper Home Page Module that says "What's New".  I say What's This?
2 of these items aren't all that new. Healing with NY cash and the New Rivals List have been out a while now. Yesterday we got new Missions but one would have to be living under a rock to not notice the annoying Mission reminders.
Now "Loot Refreshes" their way of saying, "Don't get too happy that you just got 501 of the latest loot items".  We are all too familiar with loot refreshing. We don't like it and it's not new! Let us enjoy our 501 loot items. Lately I can't even acquire that many before the next "refresh" comes around.
Now what in the heck does better performance mean? I would like some elaboration on that one. There have been a lot of improvements lately and I don't get the spinning bullets as much (or maybe I'm just so used to them that it seems this way).  Let me know what you think the improved performances issues are.  I have found the answer to "What's This"?.  Click on any of these items and you will be directed to the Official Mafia Wars Blog.  This I like! Now there is a in-game connection to their blog. Lately they've had some lovely release notes and now you can check them out right from the game.  I may be a little bias.
This is a good start but I would love to see this information in the Game News section.  They should either get rid of this section or update it.  It looks bad to see the latest thing written was on December 8th.  There have been many sets of Release Notes on their blog since.
They should add a "What's New" tab and have that link to the blog.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

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