Feb 17, 2011

Egyptiology Crates


We have a new type of crate in the Marketplace called Egyptology Crates. Egyptology is the study of ancient Egyptian history so I assume we will see Egyption looking items in the crates.
Find these Crates in the Marketplace under the Crates tab. Egyptology Crates are available singularly or you can get a package of three.
Click the little question mark to see what's inside.
Click on each image to see the stats. I really wish they would list the stats on the pop-up so we wouldn't have to click on each image. From a sales point of view, I would assume they would make this task as easy as possible.  These items are cool looking and have the highest stats of any Crate items we've seen in the past.

Common Items
Uncommon Items
Rare Items
I couldn't resist and bought 3 of them for 35 Reward Points.  I have a 10% chance times 3 to get one of the rare items.  Of course I didn't get one of them and got 2 common items. This is why I rarely but loot items from the Marketplace! I won't fall for the trap and buy another round in hopes of getting a rare item and I hope you don't either.
Mike Nestor is a collector so he was determined to get a Lion and was successful on the second try. Here is what he got.  Now I'm tempted to try again!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I was lucky enough to get 1 common/ 1 un common/ 1 rare :-)

  2. i purchased a set of 3 and got 2 common, 1 uncommon, but for me they all three helped my stats so I'm pleased.

  3. I promised myself I wouldn't buy anymore marketplace loot. I am sticking to it...but I do WANT WANT WANT. I guess this is what I diet is like :( <--- should try that some day

    I made it passed the steampunks...I can do this...does anyone want to start a NO SPEND RP ON LOOT support group?

  4. Your Three Egyptology Crates contained some awesome stuff!
    Nefertitis Flail [86/59]
    Nefertitis Flail
    86 Attack
    59 Defense
    Sun Spider [61/85]
    Sun Spider
    61 Attack
    85 Defense
    Scythe Chariot [80/80]
    Scythe Chariot
    80 Attack
    80 Defense

  5. If you hover over the items, the att & def will pop up. At least they do for me. Using Firefix 4.0.

  6. I couldn't resist.
    First set of 3 was mask/lion/spider!!
    Bought another and got flail/chariot/cultist.

    So you can get really lucky. If only my luck held for daily chance or the slots.

  7. Amenhoteps Khopesh
    49 Attack
    82 Defense

    Amon Ras Barge
    82 Attack
    45 Defense

    Anubian Cultist
    76 Attack
    76 Defense

    Concealable Camera

    Untraceable Cell Phone

    Politico Corrupto

    Set of Illegal Transaction Records

    Concealable Camera

    Computer Set-Up

    Politico Corrupto

    Set of Blackmail Photos

    Computer Set-Up


    Semi-Pro Boxer

    Sting Grenade


    Motion Detector

    Corporate Muscle

    Shave & A Haircut

    Flaming Shot

    Sandbag Wall

    Blowfish Dart

    Extra Pair of Eyes

    Hot Coffee

    Alarm System

    Handy Man


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