Jan 11, 2011

It's a Small Mafia World


Yesterday I posted a reprint of the Customer Support Bury The Mole 411 Page (1) and it was bugging me that I didn't have a screen shot. The event instantly made me think of the game we see at fairs and amusement parks called Whack The Mole.  I decided to do a Google Image search and was presented with a bunch of images of random guys playing Whack The Mole. I chose the image of a guy who looked really serious and more like a Mafia Wars player.  To add a touch of humor, I replaced the Mole with Mark Pincus.  I was proud of my creation and went about my business.
Several hours after posting, I got a strange e-mail. Somebody wanted to know why and how I had a picture of him on my blog.  It turns out the random dude playing Whack The Mole isn't so random. His name is Wade and he is a Mafia Wars player just like you and me. He is known as Commander Smiles.  He sent me his Facebook UID so I could add him as a friend and sure enough this is the same guy! Wade doesn't know how his image got on the internet and says the picture must have been taken 3 or 4 years ago.  When I offered to remove the image, he was a good sport about it and now he is in my mafia.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Whack The Mole seems to be serious business! :-)
    Pretty cool indeed.

  2. heh yeah kinda a odd tho as I live up in Duluth MN heh

    *Commander Smiles*


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