Jan 11, 2011

Facebook News Feed Filter


I'm not sure when this was implemented but now you can filter what appears in your news feeds.  I didn't have this option yesterday so my account got it at some point today. This is good news for Mafia Wars players as we will be able to focus on what we want to look at. For sometime we've always had the option to flip back and forth to Top News and Recent News.
Now when you click on Most recent, you get a drop bar and you can select what type of news feeds you want to see.  When viewing your Top News, you will see a number next to the Most Recent feeds. I'm assuming this is the number of new posts since the last time you checked.  Selecting "Most Recent" from the drop bar will include all posts in the news feeds.
In the example below, I chose games and only posts related to the gaming application I have approved will show up in my news feeds.  You can filter by all kinds of things including any of your Friend Lists.  While searching for Job Help posts, it's sometimes annoying to see Status Updates.  I always get caught up in the drama of why Sally Sue is mad at her boyfriend or Joe Schmo is pissed off at the world and lose focus of the task at hand.  Now I can filter out what I don't want to see.  Clicking on Edit Options will just give you the opportunity to re-add friends and groups that you have hidden or blocked from the news feeds.  Too bad we couldn't select specific types of Mafia Wars posts to add or remove to the news feeds. Now that would be really helpful!
According to All Facebook, this feature was made available to all users on December 22nd.  It must have been on a slow roll because myself and others I spoke to just got it today.  All Facebook also says that these feed filters were first introduced in 2008 and have been gone for quite some time now (1).

Thanks to John Sweeney Jr. for sending me the All Facebook links.
Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. A Cool trick you can do with this new menu is that you can make a list of specific friends (say you watch for certain posts like a link-a-nator group. If you place those friends in you link a nator friends list, then sort it, all there posts will show up. I belong for instance to a link-a-nator group, but not all the people in that group are in my friends list, so as they have joined my FB friends list I've placed them in this friend list. I can now just sort those posts each day to grab the gift links they post. It's made it much easier for me especially because gift-a-nator doesn't always work for me.


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