Jan 11, 2011

Travel Bar Change


I wasn't planning on making a post about this minuscule change but a lot of people are talking about it. If you open up your Travel Bar, you will notice that the destination you are in is shadowed.  Some players used to click on it to get rid of the spinning bullets so now they will need to click on something else.  Pistol Pete clicks on the Zynga Message Center Icon and I click on the Unframe-MW bookmarklet.  Other than this, I don't see a significance to this change. Please comment to enlighten me.
Leonard Wong wasn't one to sit around and wonder why.  He went to Customer Support Live Chat and this was the answer he received from a very concerned Customer Support agent named Zachary.  I asked Leonard if he got any compensation for this grave inconvenience and he said he didn't ask.

Zachary L.: It was just a design choice the developers decided to make. I'm sorry for any inconvenience it may cause you.

Thanks to Margus for posting this change on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. @Jennifer
    its useful i won't need to ask in which city am i,in case i got lost.....
    Thanks for the post

  2. This is true just in case you missed the color scheme and the big title of the destination in capital letter on top of the page.

  3. @Jennifer
    You name it....
    its better from the Dev to put this time&effort in making our inventory open fast,make this game smoothly even with limited internet connection(ie ISDN,Dial up)and to be creative to give us new stuff other than repeated events and spam

  4. I just started playing Mafia Wars so I could help my husband with his game. It started me in Chicago and I have no Travel Bar. Do you know when I will be eligible for travel? is it something I earn at a certain point? Help is appreciated. Thanks! :)


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