Jan 12, 2011

Informant Podcast Updates


We have lots of exciting things going on at The Informant Podcast.  The first thing which we talked about on the latest show is a Trading Information Page.  This will be a page dedicated solely to helping players learn how to trade.  No trading will actually take place and many of the trading sites are getting involved.  We need a name and [MIG] Chainsaw Chester created another impromptu contest.  Read all about it below.

As mentioned on the show, we are looking for a name for the new Trading Information Page.
Be Creative.
Please try to include something to do with TIP or The Informant Podcast.
The person that comes up with the name that we pick will win a Lotto Set from Chester!

Enter on the Discussions Board and Post your suggestion here
Good Luck to everyone that enters !!!
Next we have the Blogger Choice Awards and we are going for the Best Podcast. I will warn you that it's a pain in the ass to vote because you have to register but every vote counts and we know we have the best fans! Please let us know if you voted by going to HERE and we will think of someway to make it up to you!
We’ve been nominated for the Blogger Choice Awards for Best Podcast !!

If you love our podcast, please signup here

Once you have singed up, go here
and vote for The Informant Podcast.

Share this with all your friends and have them vote for us as
the best podcast !
And thanks to all of our listeners for getting us where we are today.

Next we would like to thanks Ade for displaying all of our shows on the The Mafia Wars Maniac Blog.  Check it out the right side column of her blog. She has a red ipod just like the green one on this blog. No matter where you go, you can listen to The Informant Podcast!
And finally, here is the latest episode.  Just click play and start listening.  If you have any suggestions or recommendations, feel free to start a discussion thread of your own on the Informant Podcast Fan Page and we will listen to you.  Or even better, you can call our Rant Line at 707.TIP.6852 (707.847.6852) and let us know what you think about Zynga and Mafia Wars!

Episode 27:  When It Rains It Pours
We had machine crashes. Internet Issues., you name it and it seems to have hit. Nevertheless , Here goes. The gang gathers to discuss the snow in their various neck of the woods. Pistol Pete lets us in on two new Spocklets (bookmarklets) in the works over at Team Spockholm. Jennifer and the crew talk about the Loyalty Program, Grave Robbery, Trader No-Goh and Customer Support Live Chat. Chester announces a new Trading Information Page and creates a new contest around it.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. Tunein still does not work!
    Nothing like QLD in OZ (rain and issues)


    The Whale


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