Dec 20, 2010

More Missions


I wasn't planning on documenting all of my Missions but some players really want to see them and I have a bad habit of taking screen shots of everything so why not?  Missions are highly addictive and recommend that you take them slow and not use Reward Points to finish them.  Your character will be better off in the long run if you use your Reward Points to buy skill points either directly from the Marketplace or through the building properties to craft items with special abilities.  For you, I will probably continue to waste Reward Points so you can see what Missions lie ahead.  If you like the element of surprise, stop reading.  I left off yesterday with the start of a 3 part Mission called Burn Down Wong's Warehouse.  The objectives of Part 1 are to collect from your Warehouse 2 times and then upgrade it 10 times.
This wasn't too bad. Hopefully there won't be one for my Mega Casino because I'm trying to keep as much cash outside of the bank as possible in hopes of someday getting the What's After Trillion Achievement (1).
Part 2 required that I fight 30 times in New York (it didn't matter if I won or lost) and to loot 12 Wooden boxes from robbing.
If you try to look for Wooden Boxes in your inventory, you won't find them because they are actually called Wooden Crates!  It appears they only drop when there is an active Mission that requires them.  I could be wrong but I wasn't able to collect more of them once I got 12.
Part 3 of this Mission required that I win 15 fights in New York and request 6 Backpacks from my mafia.  Backpacks are also new items and were covered in my last post about Missions (1).
On to the next Mission which is called Move The Evidence.  This one gives you a job in New York and you need to collect another new loot item called a Luggage Bag.  You also need to collect on that same Warehouse from the previous Mission 2 more times.
Part 2 of this Mission requires I ask for another new loot item called Documents and do 8 jobs in Italy.
The next Mission is called Install An Arm's Dealer: Part 1.  You can see here Missions requiring you to upgrade a property that is already fully upgraded will be automatically completed.  I then had to get 15 more of those Wooden Boxes (AKA Wooden Crates).
Part 2 Requires that I win 18 fights in New York and build 2 weapons.  I noticed that if you use the Power Attack button that you will only get credit for 1 fight and not 5.  If you are low on stamina and have an active Mission requiring you to win fights, it's best that you use the single attack button.
Part 3 requires robbing 10 Weapon Depots and asking for more documents.  When specific properties are required to be robbed, it's best to isolate your robberies rather than use the robbing board.  Using the board will require a lot more stamina.
Here is a look at the next Mission.  There are suppose to be 19 different Missions so it will take some time to complete them all.  I'm not sure if they will recycle once they are all complete but I'm sure new ones will be implemented as well.
For more details on Missions, go to the Mafia Wars Wiki Missions Page.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. it would be nice if these missions was available to players but they aint seems only people who get these missions have not fully completed new york or italy and according to zynga they pulled from a pool depending on their progress and level that they are on

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am enviously reading your post about the missions and waiting for the mission bar to appear. I'll leave on vacation in 4 days and I guess when I come back they will already have rebalanced the missions.

    @Anonymous: Haven't gotten them on either account, finished or not.

  4. What is Mr.Pinchy? 1 of my friends send me this

  5. Thanks for all this info. You must have a lot of patience.

    According to the 411 on the support page you will always have an active contract mission. When you complete the nineteenth please let us know what happens.

  6. @Anonymous 1. There are different types of missions, City Missions which are specific to a city (only Italy and New York for now), and Contract Missions, which will be available to all.

    City Missions are near-useless to veteran players. Contract Missions add another lateral element to the game which makes it more fun.

    Missions are now available to me on my lesser alt, who has not completed Italy (he gets only Italy and Contract Missions, no NY Missions).

    I have double confirmation that others who have completed both Italy and NY have received the missions feature. It is not restricted to those who have not completed mastery, it's available to a random sample of XX% of all players.

  7. Yay, they finally appeared on my main account :D

  8. I'm finished all of the cities, and have only non-city based missions; my lesser alt does not have this mission capability yet at all, so it seems not everyone has been 'upgraded'.

    Oh, and -- marry me! :-D

  9. what a waste of space - the only missions I have want me to complete Italy levels I want to leave at bronze - they are trying to stop looter accounts - offering me nothing I wold not get anyway - 10 EXP and 10 loyalty points plus the mastery item - waste of space - shove em where the sun don't shine

  10. Here is a link with a lot of answers about the new missions.

  11. I have completed all cities and just noticed I have the new mission feature. I've been so busy with collecting and accepting requests that I haven't had a chance to investigate them yet.

  12. What Peggy said.


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