Dec 20, 2010

Item Analyzers


In the good news department, vsahgal, a developer, replied to the Zynga Forum Board thread titled I want my old profile page back and stated that the old Mafia Wars Profile page would be returning.
You should remember that if you scrolled to the bottom of your Profile page there were pictures of all the loot items you owned.
I never really went to this list but what happened when it was removed was not good.  The Item Analyzers that we all love to use no longer worked. If you try to run the Blofeld's Loot List and Item Analyzer, it thinks you aren't on the right page and won't work.
Tomi Crnicki the developer of the Mafia Wars Helper Item Analyzer, added the following message when the new Inventory Page was added.
(click to enlarge)
Team Spockholm has created the Spockholm Item Analyzer bookmarklet that will work with the new Inventory Page.  It can be found on the Spockholm Mafia Tools Experimental Page.  Martin says to expect changes as it's a work in progress and not to rely on the stats 100%.  Team Spockholm recommends that you always verify manually before gifting away items.
Run it from your unframed Mafia Wars Profile page.

Thanks to Mr. Simy0 and Mike Nestor for pointing out these recent changes.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. If the old profile are back, then what about the new inventory...Does it still the same layout or they modified it or remain as it is ...?

  2. for god sake plz revert the inventory page to normal, i am visiting MW website daily to see if they are reverting it back or not, Its being 2 days i am not playing mw because of freaking stupid new inventory page. We know know you guys have skills but please don't make the game look worse.

  3. The Inventory page is NOT coming back. The list of inventory items are being added back to the Profile page.

  4. This bookmarklet is nice but ... how can we get rid of it? Opening a new page was the only solution i found.

  5. so thus in theory lol if the loot items return to the profile page the analyzers should work as thats where they get run from lol cant wait as im so bluddy lost with analyzer

  6. Refresh the page to close the Bookmark.

  7. Well I am absolutely against the Profile page showing all the items: I never liked that feature, it takes forever to load any profile as I have a slow and unreliable connection. Just a bunch of useless clutter in my books, can't even sort it or anything it just shows items in the order they were added to our inventory. I don't need to have all that crap loading every time someone throws me a link of some jerk to ICE for him. Damn, can't even compete in mock wars because of the time it takes to load... Grrr...

    So the ONE good thing that came out of the new inventory page will be reverted to it's previous state of idiocy. Typical Zynga, listening to the whiners, 1 step forward, 2 steps back...

    But to each his own...

    I'd rather that they would "Fix" the profile page so that when we visit someone's profile, ALL stats showing are the stats of that person. As it is now they are partially theirs, partially our own (Time on hit list, collections vaulted). Same goes for their achievements page... That would be worth putting a bit of effort in.

    As far as people "flipping" because of the lack of a proper analyzer, it WILL be tamed, there is no question about it. For every change in the game, there is a coder out there who will find a way. Spockholm's new bookmarklet is a perfect example. Work in progress, needs a lot of refinement, especially in "items needed to increase our stats" and some calculations not matching our stats, but it will be perfected in time, you can bet your life on that.

    Tomi's MW helper will be out in full force again as well, I'm pretty sure he will wait until it's perfected or very close to it before unveiling it. I'm surprised to hear about Blofelds here, wasn't he trying to sell it early last summer? I saw his listing somewhere, forgot the site... it hasn't been working properly since late spring, been keeping an eye on it every few weeks and never saw it working, only getting more and more behind.

    It will be in the best interest of everyone if the new generation of analyzers would work from the inventory page instead of the Profile page, for many reasons, not just the "look" of the profile pages.

    I don't know why the desperate need to have one NOW working 100%, if you're so obsessed with your stats you should have a very good idea of where you're at and what loots you need to concentrate on. A few days will NOT make a difference, but if you think it does, just make up your own spreadsheets and keep track of your stuff yourself. The info is all there, all you have to do is extract it from the source page and convert it into spreadsheet form. That exercise will surely make you appreciate more the amount of effort that those AWSOME people are putting out to help their fellow MW players. I know, I've done it many times before, it's a real PITA.

    BUT: while I totally despise the new inventory page, it is actually quite accurate at letting you know what you need, with some creative use of the Filter options. Very clunky and tedious, for sure, I would have rather seen ALL used items, sorted, on a page and scroll down instead of navigating sideways in toggled windows, but the figures are there and they are accurate (minus 6 defensive loots that have disapperared but are counted in the stats, but those came from a glitch, so... can't really complain). So if you REALLY must know NOW, there is a way...

    Patience my children, It will all fall in place eventually !
    Damn shame a bunch of whiners had to go bitch to Zynga to bring back what was a good f'n riddance...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @ Anonymous: To get rid of the windows of the Spockholm Item Analyzer, you just have to click on "Remove Window" first row of commands, far right...

    Wink ;)

  10. LOL

    Am i the only person who still didnt get the new inventory page?

  11. Thanks Jose for your great insight. I'm in favor of that not being there on the profile as well but since it caused the analyzers to not work, I felt it was good news. I didn't even think about the loading times. Obviously things can be rewritten as we see with the Spockholm Analyzer. I will ask Martin to add a big fat X so people who don't look at the program will know how to close it out :)

  12. Sorry to say but i am all confuse about the new of having the old profile back.
    On my main and my mini, both has been enabled with the new profile.
    I notice a recent change on my mini, when clicking on Inventory the following appear: Items (Mafia Store) - Loot - Collections & Vault - Gifting ( The old way).
    Whereas on my main: Items - Collections & Vault - Gifting - Boosts (The new Inventory)
    Both has the saem Profile page.
    Like Jose said patience is the key.
    1-My only concern is only finding way to get to the Items (Mafia Store) to empty V$ (Vault at its capacity) and i can't...
    2-I cannot buy the achievement centurion by purchasing the Fucile De Caccia in Italy.

    Anyone can sheds some light will be much appreciated. -qman


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