Nov 12, 2010

More Ads for Reward Points


There were 2 new advertisements offering Reward Points on my game today. There have been a total of 5 of these things in the span of 6 days (1),(2).  In the last article I wrote about this, I commented on the fact that the AT&T ad was kind of lame and didn't look like much effort went into it. Today it's been revamped.  I was not able to participate in it again.  I also noticed that the ads have moved from the message boxes to below it in the dead space that used to be the friend ladder.
The first new ad is from Best Buy.  We need to answer 2 question and will get 2 Reward Points.
It did get the 2 Reward Points and this way the least annoying ad so far.
As soon as I finished with the ad above, another one immediately took it's place.  This time it was from Sony and consisted of a video and 3 questions.
Once again, I got 2 Reward Points for my efforts.


  1. Pity is just seems to be a stateside thing

  2. ya us "outsiders" seem to miss out on a lot of things.

  3. :'( its not for non usa playersssssssss

  4. You ppl are wrong..!!! I stay in India,which is a the other end of the world(if u compare wid USA) and I still had the offer visible on my profile..So its not only for USA players..


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