Nov 2, 2010

Blofeld's Loot List and Item Analyzer Updates


The Blofeld's Loot List and Item Analyzer has gotten a make over.  Scott Saunders has been working hard and brings us a new website, (link will work once the updates are complete), which contains all the Blofeld's tools in one place. All tools will work as outlined in my article titled Blofeld's Loot List and Combat Calculator.
The Item Analyzer is in it's final days of being of being updated and we will see a new version in the very near future.
There is also a Blofeld's Exporter which will take your loot list and analyzer results and format them into a spreadsheet.
I tried it out and it works great.  Instead of running the Loot List or Item Analyzer as you normally would, use the Blofeld's Exporter bookmarklet from your profile page and all your results will mapped out in a spreadsheet that you can easily share with others.
If you have questions or need additional information, make sure you visit the Blofels's FAQ page or the Blofeld's Loot List page on Facebook.  Scott has made many improvements and promises a few surprises for us in the very near future.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson,
Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Item analyzer has ALWAYS had a function to present the analyzer in spreadsheet form I have about 40 spreadsheets saved in a file on my desktop from times I have run it before.

  2. Please read before you act so fast to correct me. I never said the spreadsheet format was something new. In fact, if you read the original article I wrote about the item analyzer, you will find detailed instructions on how to get the information in spreadsheet form. What is new is that there is now a specific bookmarklet for that function. Next time you incorrectly correct someone, have the balls to sign your name. It's easy to do. Let me show you.
    ----------> ~Jennifer

  3. Hvedeknoppen {STYRER}November 3, 2010 at 10:47 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. @Hvedeknoppen, Sorry I had to remove your comment. The site listed is where everything will end up once all the updates are complete. Scott was nice enough to let my readers have access to it early. I never mind being corrected which is why I allow anonymous comments. I often make mistakes and appreciate those that let me know in a timely manner. It's the assholes who abuse this and criticize me for stupid things without signing their name that make me want to turn off anonymous postings.

  5. sweet jen! ive been using spock´s for a calculator i always liked blofelds with the nice pics i can i dentify everything.. awesome!

  6. For some time now, Blofeld has not worked in Chrome, and MA never worked in Chrome. Going forward?? Do you know Jennifer? Is Chrome an option?

  7. Hey Jen, thanks for the info. doesn't seem to work but does.

  8. any update on when this is expected to be functional again?

  9. Is this site or Blofeld's abandoned? Does the old Blofeld analyzer still work?


  10. 4 months later and no release? Is it still being worked on? If not just let everyone know.

  11. Blofeld's is dead. Spockholm's Item Analyzer has replaced it as my fave.

  12. I can't seem to get the list anymore. What's up?


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