Nov 2, 2010

Infiltrate The Pentagon


Looks like we have another event in store for us this weekend. Now you can infiltrate the Pentagon just like the Republicans infiltrated The House of Representatives. Here are some early images compliments of a Irish Kid from the Mafia Wars Wiki.  This looks just like the Prized Pigs and the Presidential Masks.  I bet President Obama wishes he had a mask right about now.  For my readers outside of the US, today was mid-term Election Day and the Democrats got Pwned.


  1. Repukes make me laugh.

  2. I really appreciate your work here, but please stop treating people outside the US as if they were blind and unaware of the world...

    We can spot that the masques are from former american presidents and we know yesterday was midterm election day etc etc
    Most people pay attention to international issues and I find the whole "american stuff 101" a little bit to condescending...

    Other than that, thanks for the great work with this site :)

  3. @Anonymous, please sign your name and show you have guts to stand behind your critique. People outside the US includes many countries. Please review my visitor flag as I have readers from about 150 countries. Maybe you are aware of these things and feel I'm insulting your intelligence but I was criticized at one point for assuming that readers outside the US knew what I was talking about. Since then, I lay it all out. It may be "american stuff 101" to you but for many it's not. If you can't wrap your mind around the fact that you are not the only reader of this blog and it's too simple, then you should look elsewhere for your mafia wars information.

  4. I agree with MW Lootlady that many people outside the US (like me) do not know everything that goes on in the US and the US culture. So i brief background helps us and is in no way insulting our intelligence. I appreciate Jennifer's efforts.

  5. "Most people pay attention to international issues and I find the whole "american stuff 101" a little bit to condescending..."

    I find it quite fallacious to say that most people pay attention to international issues. Just because you do, doesn't mean it's the general consensus.

  6. Interesting.
    Fallacious? - WTF. I find it irritating that just because you know what that word means, dosen't mean we all do.

  7. "Fallacious? - WTF. I find it irritating that just because you know what that word means, dosen't mean we all do."

    I don't think I was being the least bit pretentious. Despite that, it wouldn't matter anyways because you have Google readily available to define any word for you in less than five seconds. I shouldn't have to use Layman's terms to make up for your laziness.

  8. I had to look up "fallacious", too, but that's okay. Heck, I just learned a new word! I actually thought it had something to do with fellatio. I was wrong.

    @anonymous, I actually LIVE in the U.S. and do NOT "pay attention to international issues". I stopped watching the news after that World Trade Center/Pentagon attack. It was just too much. I got tired of it.

    However, I've never gotten tired of Mafia Wars, or Loot Lady's blog.

    Thanks, Jen!


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