Nov 2, 2010

Facebook Font Change


If you think things seem smaller on Facebook, it's because they are. Facebook has changed the font of everything in our new feeds. Here is the same post made by Pistol Pete seen from my news feeds and on The Spockholm Mafia Tools Fan Page.
According to All Facebook, this is a test and it's purpose is to make the feeds look cleaner.  People who have trouble reading smaller font aren't happy about it but Mafia Wars players should be thrilled as it will be easier to scan the feeds.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson,
Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. i can unframe now..^_^b

  2. for now to unframe for mafia wars, go to website..

  3. That's why I used a informative post :) Its a 2 for 1 since the main content was kind of lame.

  4. Font size isn't a big deal -- just use your mouse wheel with control to enlarge . .

  5. a better way to fix the font size is to use a browser addon, as you dont need to reset the font size every time you visit the site. i use fb purity for this, its really cool


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