Nov 15, 2010

Bagman-Mugger Automates The Free Gift Get-a-Nator


Team Spockholm has made it easy for all of us to collect 200 Free Gifts a day.  It all starts with you and the Link-a-Nator.  You play key part in the entire process by posting your Free Gifts everyday.  Instructions on how to use the Link-a-Nator can be found on this blog (1),(2).  It's very easy to do! Too many Tinyurl's were being generated from this tool and for a few days there were problems because the quotas from the tinyurl service were being exceeded.  Pete announced yesterday that the tool is now using his own service and this issue has been resolved.
Once you do you part, the fun of accepting gifts can begin.  The Free Gift Get-a-Nator was released 9 days ago and many updates and improvements have been made.  For the basics on using this tool which searches and stores Free Gift links like the ones you posted with the Link-a-Nator, read the The Get-a-Nator on this blog.  The following updates have since been made.

1.  The Free Gift Get-a-Nator can now be found on the Spockholm Mafia Tools External Page.
2.  The loading time is much faster so you don't need to be as patient.
3.  One you accept a Free Gift by visiting one of the links, all links made by that mafia member will say Visited.  This reduces the number of gifts that come up with errors as we can only accept one gift per mafia member in a 24 hour period.  This also helps to keep you organized so you can remember which links you already visited.
4.  Tinyurl links have been added to the bottom of each gift section.  They were added in this format so they can easily be copied and pasted.  This will come into play when using the updated Bagman-Mugger.
Bagman-Mugger has been updated and will work in unison with the Get-a-Nator.  You can now paste the tinyurl links from the Get-a-Nator into the "Money Bag List" found on the Bagman-Mugger.  Use the raw links section at the bottom for all the links or just the ones listed after every gift if you want to target certain types of gifts. Remember to update your quotations section on your Facebook profile.  If you don't, you can't use Bagman-Mugger.  Read Bagman-Mugger on this blog for instructions on how to do this and use this really cool tool.
From The Free Gift Get-a-Nator (general links)
 For Gift Specific Links
Paste to Bagman-Mugger
Here are a few runs I performed earlier in the day. I had already used the Get-a-Nator last night and my mafia is not good at updating the quotations section of their profile (I'm not good at that either but working on it) so my successful return rate is not very high.
If anything has been added to any of the links by your mafia members, you will get error codes like the ones below.  You can still collect the gift by clicking on the yellow MB Link.
The following error can be for many reasons such as a Zynga issue or you have already accepted a gift from that person for the day.
Special thanks to Pete Lundrigan, Mike Nestor and Bossy Don for answering all my questions about utilizing these tools.


  1. Very good and clear info...Thank you so much in advance Jennifer...(applause)

  2. That's really good and cool news! That frees up some time for me to make other cool stuff instead of worrying about the decoding of the links :)

    Next step for mug-a-nator is to create a better link sharing forum for exchange of link-a-nator links and getting rid of all the failures due to non-friends :)

  3. Still time to come?
    IMy Mugger is Bugged. lol. it always says unable to retrieve list

  4. that's about the rate I get too Jenn - around 30-40 daily from over 600 bags. when i have a spare hour i'll go through and prune out all the people with old links but for now just put up with it...

  5. Well./.. Woeked now.. Love it... Great work.. keep it all.. ty Loot Lady

  6. Chris: it's usally better to just use your wall, and then finish up with normal bagman mugger links with time set to 10000 :)

  7. You mentioned that the people in your mafia are not good at updating the quotations area of their profile..could you please explain what you're talking about? Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're speaking of and would like clairification. ty


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