Nov 13, 2010

Mystery Bag Mulligan


The Official Mafia Wars Blog announced today that Mystery Bags are going to have a new feature built into them, called the Mystery Bag Mulligan.  If you don't like what your Mystery Bag contains, you can get something else for 3 Reward Points!  This doesn't sound like a deal to me. Nothing in any of the Mystery Bags is worth 3 Reward Points.  It would be funny to use this feature and get 1 Reward Point. In this scenario, you would spend 3 Reward Points to gain 1 Reward Point.  Nice try Zynga, but this isn't something any of us will utilize.
Because of the 200 a day free gift limit, it would be useful to see what's in a Mystery Bag before you open it as long as it doesn't count towards the limit if we decided we don't want it.  Unfortunately, this isn't the case.  You have to accept the Mystery Bag to get the first crappy item.  Lets face it, 90% of all Mystery Bags need a mulligan.  Here is an example.  I got a Mystery Bag collection item from a collection I vaulted a very long time ago. Obviously I don't want it and would like something different.
For the purpose of this article, I exchanged my crappy Hand Cuffs for 3 Reward Points and got 1 Faberge Hen instead.  This feels like some kind of a joke.  Basically, they want you to spend 3 Reward Points to get another crappy item that is not quite as crappy as the first one you received.  I really hope nobody wastes Reward Points trying to get a better Mystery Bag item.  You can always open another Mystery Bag for free.
ONE boost that offers -24 off the energy cost for one job is hardly worth 3 Reward Points.  I could buy an entire Energy Refill for 2 Reward Points from The Fight Club.
Scott-Da Scrappy Chihuahau-Welliver found this also pertains to Mystery Shipments.  3 Reward Points for one building part is ridiculous.  You can buy them for one from your properties
3 Reward Points for one building part is ridiculous.  You can buy them for one Reward Points from your property page.
I discovered that the "Mulligan" also applies to Mystery Animals.  Last time I checked, all the Mystery Animals sucked and everyone recommends that you don't even bother sending them to your mafia.  If want a different Mystery Animal, don't spend 3 Reward Points.  They should let us ask for a whole different gift or make the Mystery Animals better.


  1. Shhhhhh don't go giving the Zyngons ideas about raising the price of fighters refill. :))

  2. Is the economy THAT bad? Eegad!

    Da Scrappy Chihuahua

  3. Another classic example of how Zynga thinks we are all complete idiots... quite frankly, its damn insulting.

  4. Agreed!!!!!!!!!!! 1000000000%

  5. What really sucks is that they positioned it exactly where the Send a gift Back button used to be, so that anyone not paying attention will hit the RP button by mistake. Thwe Send button is now below the taskbar and has to be scrolled up to use

  6. Don't go overestimating the intelligence of MW players...a friend spent 70 of her 99 RPs buying stun guns and shivs to kill her "Rumble in Russia" bosses...and this was BEFORE I killed her last 2 bosses for her!!!

  7. zynga are idiots and they think we are like them!

  8. I don't think "Zynga" are idiots, they after all have made millions with their ideas. The one that yanks my chain is the specials like San Fran. or the meet in Vegas. Why do those players get such an advantage. Money players have a great advantage as it is. I'm griping because I play with a passion and it seems that Zynga favors techies and money players. How about holding an event somewhere else besides the West. How about Venice[not Italy you dummie] Venice Florida. Plenty of players in the Tampa-St. Pete area give us a break. Also try to make a book of rules available to easily refer to. good luck spag

  9. Something has gone wrong. This error has been logged and we're looking into it.

  10. They've changed it to 1 RP now. Same goes for Mystery Shipment and Secret Drops. I guess too many people accidentally clicked on 3RP.


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