Sep 20, 2010

Top Mafia Wars Loot Items


With new Districts comes new loot.  It's been a while since I reviewed the best loot items in the game.  For quite some time now, the Fighting High End Loot was the best.  When 4 additional fighting loot items (dubbed Super Loot by Zynga) were introduced to the game, there was even more reason to fight.  There 2 categories of Fighting Loot are called FHEL1 and FHEL2.

I combined these items to get the Top 8 and will just call it Fighting Loot.
Top 8 Fighting Loot Items
There is a lot of good loot to be found in Las Vegas.  The best loot drops in Districts 5, 6, 7 and 8 and is called Vegas High End Loot (VHEL).  I circled the Top 8 items and you will see that some of it drops in multiple Districts.
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
Now that we know where it all comes from, it's time to put it all together in one place.
Top 8 VHEL
When comparing the FHEL to VHEL you will see that with the exception of the Ranger Finder Rifle which has the same defense score as the Woodsman, all of the VHEL is superior.
To obtain the best Overall Attack and Defense scores, you should figure out how many VHEL items you need.  For every piece of superior Mastery, Promotional, Special Event, Fight Club, Loyalty Program, Lucky Stash and Marketplace loot item you own, you can subtract that number from 500 for each of the 8 loot categories (Attack + Defense weapons, armors, vehicles and animals).  If you don't feel like doing all that searching and calculating, use Blofeld's Item Analyzer.  Until you reach your goal, the other places to get the best loot items are listed below.
The Bangkok Faction Store
The Chop Shop, Weapons, and Armory Depots 
Top Bangkok Loot 


  1. Thanks alot, Jennifer. Just a small thing: you need to switch the pictures for district 7 and 8.

  2. Another superb write up from someone I am proud to have in my Friends List and Mafia Family :-)

  3. @Philipp, thank you, I may have never noticed. @Mystic Prowl thank you as well but I'm such a horrible gifter I can't figure out why people want to be in my mafia.

  4. Why are MNU suit and Power armor in the giftable picture? I cant gift them

  5. @Anonymous, I guess they aren't giftable then. I don't have those items yet so I assumed because the Chop Shop and Weapons Depot loot items are giftable that these would be too. I should know better than to assume any consistency when it comes to Zynga. Thanks.

  6. i have been using my energy account for some days now only in District 8 at Bronze level. I have been doing a single job only "Get Your Spotters In Place Above The Dam" which requires 22 Energy while it offers 39 XP in return. What i have noticed is that is keeps dropping mostly specific VHEL with High Attack such as Hopped-Up Thug, Amphiquad, Arturion Assault Riffle, Ripper Assault riffle. Only a small percentage of loot drop is a High Defence weapon / Armor / Vehicle / Animal. My Mafia attack stats increased significantly over my defence stats, showing now a difference of over 10k. Based on that, i think we need to mention that not all Vegas jobs drop the same loot at the samedropping ratio. Soon, i will shift jobs and try another District 7 or District 8 job in order to find the better one that drops more high defensive VHEL in order to balance my Mafia att/def stats.

  7. I have noticed that most the high attack items drop in district 8 and the high defense items have been dropping in district 7.

  8. Nice! that's a great list. Thanks for sharing. I also have a list of mafia wars loot items and I am having fun collecting all of it. I will surely tell my gang about your loot items.

    mafia wars loot

  9. What happened to the boss fights?

  10. do you have an updated set with fhel3 and italy loot yet?

  11. Which job in Vegas level 8 has the highest defense loot drop?


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