Sep 27, 2010

FrontierVille: Bowie Knife & 2 Frontier Chainsaws


If you haven't played FrontierVille yet, now is the time to do so. There are currently 3 different cross-promotions going on with Mafia Wars and you can get 3 great loot items. I've talked about the Frontier Chainsaws before but will review for those who haven't started yet. To get started, read FrontierVille Cross-Game Promotion for instructions.  You have to get to Level 7 to get your first Frontier Chainsaw.
This is really easy to do if you use the FrontierVille Bonus Checker.

Now there is incentive to keep playing.  To start the promotion to get a Bowie Knife you will get a pop-up in your Mafia Wars game.  If you don't, use the link below.  You have to replace the XXXX's with your own Facebook ID number.  If you don't know what that is, go to your profile page and it will be in your browser bar.{"promo":"ftv_5wayin_mafia","uid":"","ts":"1285477867","sig":"e6ca3969646e22939232fa517cb914b1"}&zySnid=1&zySnuid=1431730267&zy_user=xxxxxxxxxxx&zy_ts=&zy_session=&zySig=06d6f729083254198c0c2e1544b35fe9

If you do it right, you will get this pop-up.  Click on "Start the Promotion!"
Once you get to FrontierVille, you will get another pop-up telling you abut The Mafia Wars Quest!.  This is super easy to do.  You have to clear 3 skulls, clobber 3 snakes, and chop down 3 trees.  You will also have a Mafia Wars icon on the left hand side of your game which will take you to this page so you can keep track of your progress.
To clear 3 skulls, start moving around your Homestead until you find one.  When you do, simply click on it.
After that, a snake should appear.  Click on it and accept the task of clobbering him.
If you haven't played this game much, you should have lots of trees to choose from.  VCDBurn recommends you choose the Pine Tress because they cost the least amount of energy to chop down.
When you do all of the tasks above 3 times, you will get a message and a reward for FrontierVille. 
Click on "OKAY" or go to the Gift Icon located on the left hand side of the game.  Click "Claim Reward".
You will be directed back to Mafia Wars and the Bowie Knife will be placed in your inventory.
If you've come this far, don't stop now.  There is one more easy task you can do to get a second Frontier Chainsaw.  You need to built a Horseshoe Pit.  To do this, click on the Horseshoe Pit or the Market Icon and buy it.
You need 2,500 Coins and 20 Wood to get it.  Use the FrontierVille Bonus Checker to get what you need.
Once you purchase the Horseshoe Pit, you will get a message explaining what you need to do to finish buildng it.  You should only care about getting the Spike.  Click on "Earn For Free" to get started.
Once you click on "Earn For Free", you will get a pop-up telling you what you need to do in Mafia Wars to get the Spike.  This is easy for all Mafia Wars players.  We only need to level 3 times.
When you  get to Mafia Wars, you will get a second message telling you the same thing.  Make sure you click on "Start Playing Mafia Wars Now!" to activate the promotion.
When you level up 3 times, you will get a pop-up letting you know that you have received a promo pack that contains 10 Hired Guns, a Energy Pack, and a Frontier Chainsaw.  The Frontier Chainsaw raised my overall attack score 5 points.  Make sure you click on "Claim Your Prize!". 
When you claim your prize, The Frontier Chainsaw will be added to your inventory.
Many thanks to VCDBurn and Bossy Don of TopMafia.Info and Patrick Dacosta.  I wouldn't have had the patience to figure this all out by myself.


  1. This may be a better link format for the Bowie Knife cross promotion:
    Where XXXXX is your FB UID.

  2. i can't find any skulls in my homestead. :p

  3. Keep clearing grass and a skull will eventually pop up.

  4. just clear grass snakes jump out all the time :)

  5. Fit your saw to the job when it comes to work around your home. Whether it's cutting firewood or a bit of trimming, there are lots of chain saws suitable for you.

  6. Hi, I got the bowie knife but never knew about the chainsaws! Is it still possible to get these?

  7. Yes, build the horseshoe pit and get to level 7. That should net you 2 chainsaws.

  8. Thank you LL I'll do that :)


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