Aug 29, 2014

1 Free Telecopter


The Mafia Wars Team is giving some players 1 free Telecopter. I didn’t get one but my mini did. To see if you got one go to the App Center and search through your requests or do it the easy way by using the Request-a-Nator by Team Spockholm. Check your inventory because even if you got the popup you may not have gotten the reward. Maybe if Zynga didn’t try to do so much at once they could avoid many bugs. Nothing gets players more upset than to learn that somebody got something that they didn’t!


1 comment:

  1. I rarely get these gifts which is irritating, especially when my mini always does. This time they went so far as to send me the notice and it came up as it should have, but still nada in inventory. WTF???? LOL Zynga'ed again!


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