Aug 29, 2014

Mexico District 8: Merida


Merida is the 8th district in Mexico. It unlocks once you master the bronze level of District 7. The ratios are getting better but aren’t better than what’s in South Africa. The best job not requiring consumables or currency is 2.267 and that’s probably good enough for serial levelers. Since Mexico currency is harder to get than South Africa currency some may start doing this job. District 8 is basically the same as the other 7 districts in Mexico and we can only hope that the remaining 3 districts in this destination will offer something other than boredom. A walkthrough is provided below.

There are 10 jobs but only 5 job images. The story line for District 8 is pretty much the same as District 7. This time it’s climbers instead of double agents. In the end friends get killed and revenge is sought. It’s probably a good thing that nobody really cares about the stories. We just want good ratios!
d81d82d83d84d85The payouts and requirements are shown below. You earn +1 skill points for mastering bronze and silver level jobs, +2 for gold and +3 for ruby level jobs.

The consumables of District 8 are the Billete and the Oro Profecia. They can be farmed in jobs 1 and 5 and are required for jobs 2,4,6,8 and 10. The best strategy is to farm enough items to master the entire district on the bronze level.
Here are the requirements and payouts for the District. Only the currency requirements and ratios for the ruby level are shown. The jobs that produce consumables are indicated by a check-mark. The total number needed to master the district are in the bottom row. Using Crew Bonuses, 2X Mastery Boosts and Job Help requests will drastically lower the number.

Job Mastery
Billete [0/0] Oro Profecia [0/0]
1 7% 2.211 --
2 5% 2.246 -36
3 7% 2.235 -60
4 4% 2.287 -66 100
5 5% 2.293 -66 80
6 6% 2.210 --
7 4% 2.267 --
8 6% 2.253 --
9 5% 2.303 -48 80
10 5% 2.348 -120 80

In addition to energy, consumables and currency, you also need equipment to do jobs. The job equipment items for District 8, their cost and number required to fully master the district are shown below. Item costs are not the same for all accounts because it depends on the status of the Abelha Helicopter which is the Brazil District 4 mastery item. The ruby level Abelha Helicopter grants a 10% discount on City Store items from any destination. The special ability of the mastery item for District 4 of Mexico will further reduce the cost. The Veloci-dad grants discounts in the Mexico City Store. The costs shown below are from an account that has a ruby level Abelha Helicopter and a ruby level Veloci-dad which grants a 12% discount on Mexico City Store items. The required number of items is the same for all accounts and only the costs vary. You can sell items used in previous districts if you are low on currency. Selling items grants 50% of the original value.
There are 5 loot items which job randomly while doing jobs. Once again Zynga misses an opportunity to keep players entertained. If these loot items were more useful then just maybe players would create goals to max on them. Without great ratios most of these districts are a get in and get out type of thing.
The boss of District 7 is Maia Tesoro. These boss fights are just like the other 7 in Mexico. Players will always ask about combos and the details on how to figure them out are in the links below. The rewards are also the same and include a variety of consumables, boosts, property parts, currency and skill points.

d8boss1 (2)
d8boss2 (2)
There isn’t a property attached to District 8 and no new levels of the Pasaporte Office have been unlocked.
passportThe collection for District 8 is the Antiguo Collection. Items drop randomly while doing jobs or they can be accepted as gifts. You get +35 attack points for vaulting it.
d8collectionThere are 6 achievements associated with District 8. The Oculto Trunco achievement is granted when you ruby master the district and you get +2 skill points.
The 4 Guns n’ Roses achievements are contingent upon mastering both Districts 7 and 8 on the bronze, silver, gold and ruby levels (very original!). Each one of these comes with +2 skill points.
Once you defeat Maia Tesoro 15 times you will earn the Go Tes-Oro achievement, the loot item and loot item +2 skill points.
ac16The mastery item for District 8 is the is the Wallfly. When you master the next highest level, you lose the old item. The special ability of this item is a 2%, 5%, 7% or 10% increase from the experience bonus for Missions. Zynga doesn’t mention that it’s only for Mexico Missions so if you are finished this won’t help you unless they release more Missions in Mexico. Upon mastery of each level you also get 1 Vault Door. Districts 1-5 supply enough Vault Doors to fully upgrade the bank. Any achieved after 20 are just extras and will waste away in your inventory.

District 8 comes with 2 new items of spam.  These items only appear if you select the Game News Feed option. They won’t appear in your regular news feeds or even the Mafia Wars filtered feeds. The Game News Feeds also includes every game that your Facebook friends play so these aren’t nearly as annoying as they were in the past. d8spam2d8spam1


  1. Today Job #7 at the Ruby Level went from earning me money to costing me money, Did that happen to anyone else?

  2. Yes they messed that up for all :(


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