Mar 4, 2012

Mafia Poker: Season 3


Mafia Poker Season 3 is now available. We knew this was coming when the loot item reward was added to the inventory and a server image of the banner was discovered [1] ,[2]. The event will run for 10 days. Juliana is missing from the Home Page banner and a new image of cards and chips has replaced her.

The good news for Juliana fans is she is still the dealer so you can ogle her on the Mafia Poker Page.
This time around, Poker Cards are only available as Free Gifts and in the Marketplace. There are no more news feed requests. You can accept up to 250 Poker Cards per day.
The rules of Mafia Poker remain the same. For a review of how Mafia Poker works, go here. For a review of how to play poker and the best strategy to use, go here. Remember in Mafia Poker, Aces only count as high cards so A-2-3-4-5 is not a straight [1]. The loot reward for Season 3 is the Clouded Leopard. The stats and the number of wins needed for each level of mastery are listed below.
The number of wins needed to get to the next level of mastery is the same as Season 2 which is less than Season 1.
Mafia Poker Season 2
Mafia Poker Season 1
In Mafia Poker, there should be a 50% win/loss rate if Zynga hasn’t rigged anything. If you collect 250 Poker Cards per day, you should have a total of 2,500 which in theory would correlate to wins 250 wins. You need 120 wins to reach the Emerald Level so if you win rate is 50% or better, it’s possible to get to the Emerald Level 2 times without needing to purchase any Poker Cards.
The best way to ensure you get 250 Poker Cards a day is to use the Gift Blaster by Spockholm Mafia Tools.
Poker Cards are located towards the bottom of the Gift Drop Down Menu.
Use the Gift Collector to accept your Poker Cards and you shouldn’t have any problems getting Emerald Mastery.
If you don’t know how to play poker, don’t like all the clicking, or like to see a statistical log of the games you played, use the Heinz-a-Nator also by Spockholm Mafia Tools. If you can't find it in your Spockholm Toolbar, make sure to click the "Force reload Spocklets" link on the configuration page.
mp12 When you hit the number of wins to complete each level of mastery, you will be rewarded with your Clouded Leopard. According to Customer Support, we will only get one item and the stats will improve as we reach new levels of mastery. The only way to get additional items is to remaster the levels.


  1. The "best" part - you can by 100 with NO discount. Shouldn't we get a "deal" for buying multiple?

  2. Hmmm...I am not sure I understand how you calculated this. Today, I only collected 142 Poker Cards before I hit my limit. Regardless, I went 16-2, and used only those 142 cards. So, I am averaging about 8 cards per hand, but i am winning almost 90% of the time, and this is very similar to how it went during the last two rounds. It appears that you are recommending doing NO actual playing, but just trading in your 5 cards each hand. I am not sure that is the best strategy for maximizing the end result in this game.

    1. For most it is the best strategy. If it's obvious you are going to lose, it makes no sense to try to draw into a winner and waste cards on a hand you will probably lose anyway. There are cases in which drawing cards is to your advantage. People who know how to play poker and know the odds are better to draw when it's most likely that 1-4 cards will get you a win. Many times you can win with Queen, King, Ace high so drawing on these hands would be a waste of cards. The strategy is geared towards the end result of Emerald Mastery and not the most number of wins. Needing a 50% win rate and the number of cards we can accept per day, the no draw strategy will get you there and it's a benefit for people who have no clue how to play poker or a desire to learn.

    2. I hear you, Jennifer. My strategy is basically geared to get a hand of jacks or better, which, as I have experienced, gets me about a 90% win rate. Sometimes, I end up with a straight or a flush in my effort...sometimes it is a larger pair. There aren't many hands, mathematically, that beat jacks or better, so that is why I chose that strategy. It does take a little analysis, but not a lot. Anyhow, I do understand that not all playing MW are poker players, so whatever strategy they need to use to complete the event is fine with me! <3

  3. Do you have 250 mafia wars friends who will send gifts back?

  4. they are counted as the daily 250 gifts, right? then we can make 50´100 cards less, atleast for me..secret drop/stam boost/nrgboost/skillpoints/+att-def counts higher than a pokercard..right? ;-)

  5. today 250 cards,only 13 wins.yesterday 220 cards qbd 20 wins,total 33.still on silver :-(

    1. not sure how you win only 13 times with 250 cards. I drwa cards to get at least a pair or high ace. I played three days and have 85 wins. I rarely loose that way.

  6. Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I have two screenshots showing where I have a Straight, yet it shows as the dealer winning with a pair in one hand and winning with an Ace High Nothing in the other.


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