Feb 9, 2012

El Dorado Returns With Nerfs


Yesterday we learned that there would be another Secret District when a countdown timer for El Dorado appeared in game. El Dorado is now available and once unlocked, there are 12 days to complete it.


If you are working on Smuggler’s Haven, you will have to wait. The rule seems to be that you can only have one Secret District unlocked at the same time. This must be a programming obstacle because I can’t imagine why Zynga would limit something that costs reward points!

ed1 If you don’t have an active Secret District, you can choose which one you want.


If you recall, El Dorado had some great experience/energy ratios. Many were looking forward to having this Secret District available. Go here if you need to review the details of the original El Dorado. Zynga decreased the mastery percentages of most of the jobs and the ratios are much lower. I compared the two on the Ruby Level and the results are listed below.




Exp/Ene Ratio

Old Exp/Ene

1 5 6 2.13 2.13
2 4 4 2.02 2.13
3 6 7 2.13 2.13
4 7 8 2.13 2.13
5 6 7 2.13 2.38
6 6 6 2.13 2.40
7 5 6 2.06 2.21
8 4 5 2.06 2.49
9 4 4 207 2.33

Jungle Maps are the consumable item and I’m sure you noticed they were added to the Free Gift Page. Use the link below to send Jungle Maps to your mafia.



Because the mastery payout for each job requiring them was reduced, we will need more than we did the first time around. The original version of El Dorado required 208 Jungle Maps and the nerfed version requires 236.

Job % Mastery Jungle Map/Level Total
5 6 17 68
6 6 17 68
8 4 25 100
Grand Total     236

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Annoying! If you unlocked Smuggler's Haven you have to wait until the countdown clock expires -- *even if you already re-ruby mastered the district.* So I'm done with Smuggler's Haven, got all the skill points, the loot sucks, and I won't be doing any more jobs there. But I have to wait 8 days plus to reopen El Dorado. Poor programming.

  2. so even though i've fully mastered Smuggler's again the fact i have 5 days left on my timer means i have to wait almost a week to get into El Derado - sux man!

  3. Do you get your 35RP points back in skill points?


  4. I got livechat and the agent claimed that you can have both districts open but that El Dorado is on a "slow roll," and that "in a few hours" my grayed-out El Dorado option will get an "unlock" option.

  5. I was considering redoing it for the skill points until I realized they'd nerfed it so badly. Will take so much more of my time now that I think I'll just skip it instead.

  6. I did it for the skill points and I am on ruby level but the ratios are not showing the same as the old ones

  7. I can not open either. I had 3/4 of Smuggler's Haven done from before and was looking forward to getting back at it this evening. What's up with that?

  8. the poist is get skill point. that's good, tho...

  9. Well it's 5:20PM EST this Friday February 10th, I re-mastered Smuggler's Haven and El Dorado is nowhere to be found.


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