Feb 9, 2012

2 Day Extension for the Hangar!


I’ve made several posts about news feed issues this week. In the last one, I pointed out that this was making it difficult for players to upgrade their Hangar. The image below was taken at 11:49pm PST. At the time, there were 4 Days and 17 hours left on the Hangar timer.


Today I noticed the timer is at 6 Days and 9 hours. An additional 48 hours was added to the timer! I looked for some type of announcement from Zynga but didn’t see anything on the blog, fan page, customer support or forums. They really do like us to use “self discovery” to get our information!


Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. it matters not. Fully upgraded yesterday. Plenty of time to get it done. 2 posts a day 20 clicks a post plus your 6 parts for general posts and 8 from upgrades a day. Easy.

    1. only great when you get your 20 clicks a day. I've been posting 3x a day and not getting the 10hits per post. Lucky if I get a total of 11.

    2. easy.. for you.. not for many others players

  2. Great, we can beg for two more days.... Dynga sucks!!!! Day after day I see ppl leaving the game... Not sure how much more I can take, near some 3 years of this game, Zynga does not care and will not change, that is very clear! I think it's time to find other things to do with our time and every moment of free time figure out what to do to spread the word of how Bad "Zynga" is! :-(

  3. Now they're just making it too easy.


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