Jan 19, 2012

The Slammer to Return on Jan 23rd


The Secret District that was released and quickly pulled will not return until January 23rd. Zynga claims the reason is because too many complained about event fatigue. We have been complaining about this for well over a year!  I'm not really buying that all of a sudden they are taking action over our "concern". If they were so concerned about event fatigue, they would have never released it in the first place. It probably has more to do with bugs that have been present in the Secret Districts.
Any progress that was made will be saved so don't worry about losing anything. To check for updates, go here. Fortunately, I have everything I need to complete the walk through so look for that soon. In 4 days from now, we can see if anything was nerfed.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. So, I guess I'm just supposed to hang on to all the jailbreakers I already have piled up in my ZMC...along with the others that may be coming. What a crock.

  2. sure was some bugs in it, all of a sudden it popped up that Ive finished the new years resolution :) think that event was over some days ago :)

  3. What they don't understand is that "fatigue" is related to the same type of event over and over again (i.e. spamming and asking and posting). Poker. Dead or Alive. Assassins Academy. All currently running and all needing posts and gift requests. The Slammer would just use energy...and actually breaks up the monotony of leveling up through dead jobs. It would actually bring people back to what Mafia Wars once was...doing jobs.

    Once again, Zynga can't grasp the concept. STOP THE SPAM.

  4. Im happy with secret districts one after the other really. Missions on the other hand are a bit much now.

  5. wtf is event fatigue???

  6. I have to agree with the above. No one needs MORE stress in their lives. We play games to relax and have fun not to bring more stress into our lives. Playing a game where everyone is constantly begging for the same things you need becomes harassing to say the least. If we all NEED then how do you chose who to help? It's no longer a game it becomes a do or die competition.
    Let's get back to the real game the real Mafia Wars with cities to play, jobs to do and things to purchase.

  7. Well it's Monday here now and I am waiting. I hate wasting energy on old finished jobs. Let's Rock Baby.

  8. Huum, I guess I will have to type that all over again now. Like I was typing,.... before I signed in was,... I hate wasting all my energy on old finished Jobs, so let's Rock,... it's Monday here now and it is almost 3 am now.


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