Jan 19, 2012

The Missing Secret District


The Secret District, The Slammer, mysteriously vanished from the game. It's off the Home Page and it says on the Job Page "There are not secret districts currently open!".
The Slammer is still on the Travel Bar but it will take you to the message above.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Disappeared from my Travel Bar too

  2. What if you already finished it

  3. failure to launch?! i still have the loot i collected while it was open - phew!

  4. OMG again Zynga really? It seems like every new thing they have pushed out lately gets pulled back after a very short time. Zynga is like the Keystone cops that cannot get anything right the first time.

  5. That why they called it The Slammer, we been slamed LOL

  6. Seriously Zynga?!?!?

  7. I had done some of it too!

  8. well - I sure as hell better keep the 30 gifts I just accepted for this mission. It's pushed me over my 350 and I could have accepted more poker cards....

  9. I only had one more tier to go before finishing it. ummmm

  10. did it get pulled so that they could add a bug?

  11. I'll be interested to see if / when it returns, whether or not the jobs we'd already done, return to us in the same manner as when they disappeared ~ or if Zynga will lose everything we've already done in the Slammer District. And how about our Chicago clams we had to spend in order to purchase the items required for jobs??? Perhaps somebody jumped the gun, or accidentally released this district prematurely. More frustation....whatever the case. Suppose we should all be accustomed to this by now.

  12. Infuriating.. was > 2/3 done! May have been too easy.


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