Jan 10, 2012

The Parts Needed Game


Some people say "Parts Is Parts" but that's not true when it comes to the Assassin's Academy. The introduction of Welding Torch which can be accepted as a gift has cause some confusion. The upgrade information provided on the Home Page is misleading. I need 67 parts to upgrade and I have 242 parts but I can't upgrade.
We can accept an unlimited number of Welding Torches and there is carry over to the next level. Accepting more than you will need to fully upgrade isn't necessary. We should know by the end of the day exactly how many Welding Torches are needed. I estimate the number will be close to 200 but not over. Some players are posting images of their "Parts Needed" on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page to see who can get the most. I don't plan to upgrade the property in the account I used for testing so I thought I would play the game too. This is not recommended as it's a waste of free gifts.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Jen, I love you but please dont complain about something Zynga did right :) they FINALLY listened

  2. This has always been confusing because it says, "PARTS NEEDED" but actually shows parts collected. All they need to do it make it show the actual parts needed and all confusion will be gone.

  3. With all due respect to Jennifer, If I was able to obtain a 121 atk or def item with attached skill points and If I was a level 100, 1000, 1500 without having to spend RP's, stamina or energy. I think I would consider the expenditure of a few minutes of time sending and accepting the gifts definitely Not a waste of time.

    Players, especially upper level ones need to remember that they are not the only ones who play the game and some of the things that happen in this game may not benefit them as much as they think they should.



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