Jan 10, 2012

Missing {ASS} Update


A few days ago, the {ASS} Family mysteriously vanished (1).  The {ASS} tag has been spotted on the fight list and we've been congratulated by many for getting our family back.
It's not what it appears and is a good news/bad news situation. The good news is our family wasn't obliterated from the code, the bad news is only about half of us are back in. Some Customer Support agents are able to restore the Family Module to affected accounts and others don't know what to do. It's a great injustice that this even happened and a greater one that it hasn't been fixed. Zynga has access to our family roster and there is no reason they can't go in and do whatever they did to all members and not just those who are lucky enough to get a good (or any) agent. We are now a half {ASS}ed family. I can say the same about Zynga but for different reasons.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Sadly this has been the final nail in the coffin for me with Mafia Wars and Facebook. Effective immediately I have deleted my MW account and also my FB account and I am going to go and do something more constructive with my time.

    Andy Morgan (ASS) Ratus Idioticus

  2. It is ridiculous that they can't go in and restore all of you at once. There is no way it should take this long. It is not fair to any of you.

  3. I quit playing Mafia Wars four months ago after being a daily player for nearly three years. I have been coming here periodically since to see how bad Zynga can get and watch the game go down the toilet. Now, I don't even care what happens and the more removed I get from the game the more ridiculous that it seems that I ever wasted three years of my life playing this thing.

  4. Our family has been vanished the same way today :-( Any positive news how to get family fast back?


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