Jan 5, 2012

The Next Limited Time Mission: End Of Days


Leonard Wong found a banner image in the Zynga servers of the next Limited Time Mission. I expect we will see it anytime now. It's called End Of Days and will contain a Bonus Mission. I hope the title doesn't apply to the game itself. Many suspect Mafia Wars won't last much longer.
Earlier today 6 new Mission loot items were added to the inventory (1). Initially I thought these were going to be for more Extreme Missions. I was wrong about the Slasher. It is the Grand Prize for this Limited Time Mission. I don't know what the other 5 items are for but lets hope they will be loot rewards along the way. It would be nice to get helpful items instead of the standard crap.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. mw's end is going near

  2. Just dawned on me!! End of Days for MW??? Could it be? What's the consensus among the top followers????
    I cant keep up with who IS and who IS NOT playing .. More than the usual keep quitting, or so it appears... MAYBE it will be the only way for me to finally stop! A relief and sadness!!! (bi-emotional ?? ;-)
    The way I see is, MW is a POWER TRIP game, we want to get STRONGER and more POWERFUL (ala, first you get the power, then you get the money, then you get the man/women ;)

    For you it would be the Blog Fix "high" How would you feel if it did end? Jen??
    Is it in ZYNGA's business strategy to rid of this game?
    For the more popular CV, FM, ThatVille BS.. Because I can NOT stand those games!
    MAYBE it's a good thing for us who cant stop playing but deep down we're sick and tire of the madness of bugs and mess that goes with MW....
    If it were to end.. Id miss it, but maybe it will give me back SOME of my life back.. I do play more than the usual person, but Ive cut down A LOT in the last 6 months..........

    HHmmmm................. :) :( :)

  3. I apologize for any spelling and grammatical errors.. I usually just type in my feelings and don't look back cuzz I MIGHT delete it :))) TY J!!

  4. I feel exactly the same way you do. Actually, I wish they would end MW so I could quit playing. I've been wanting to quit for a long time but have some wonderful people in my mafia that I would miss. I stay for the players, nothing else. I secretly wished that they would ban me or take away my acct. taking the decision away from me. I want my life back. Hubby is sick of me playing and I have things I need to do that aren't getting done now. They overlap the games and I feel sorry for the newer players trying to catch up. Heck, I can barely keep up playing way too much. Every day, it is the same thing over and over again. Someone said that maybe they were trying to get people to quit b/c they want to get rid of MW. Well, they are doing a darn good job of it. It's hard to go down a list and pick ppl to send requests to b/c they are constantly sneaking in the back door by adding themselves as friends and subscribing w/o ever sending a friend request. Notice on your profile wall a one line sentence. Blah is now friends with Blah Blah. I know I didn't approve a friend request from them so that's why I don't even know half of my mafia anymore. About 10 to 20 are quitting MW in my mafia every day. A lot quit on their birthday or at Christmas or New Years and just never post again. I use Mafia Wiper but it isn't finding ppl who quit playing in February of last year so that program sucks! Sorry, just venting but do want to quit MW, I'm sick of it after a couple of years!!!!!

  5. I hope the Game ends soon the way its taken shape off late....
    Yeah A relief and sadness!!! (bi-emotional ?? ;-)
    Thats what most of the players reaction's gonna be if it ends :-)


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