Jan 25, 2012

Facebook Shorted Link Workaround


In a earlier post I pointed out some issues users were experiencing with Facebook (1). One problem that is affecting Mafia Wars players is shortened links are being blocked and there is no redirect.
To get shortened links to work from Facebook, you need to copy and then paste them into your browser. That works but it's a pain.

Brandon Venery wrote a small script to help us out with this problem and shared it on our fan page (1). All you need to do is drag the bookmarklet below into your bookmark toolbar. Click on "Unblock FB links" once from your bookmark toolbar before you click on a shortened link and it will no longer be blocked. This will work until you close out your session. When you start a new session, click on the bookmark again. 

Unblock FB links

It's too bad Zynga hasn't got the word out to their players. If you look at the free link post, you can see many are getting the security message and not getting their point (1). Uninformed players might think there is something wrong with the security of Zynga games and not realize it's a non-specific widespread problem with shortened links. It looks like they tried to correct the problem by changing the zyn.ga links to fun.zynga.com but that's not cutting it. Until the issue is resolved, Zynga needs to let their players know about the workarounds available. UPDATE: Eventually they did just that! Go here to see Zynga's blog post about the issue. 

Thanks to Brandon for creating an easy workaround and to Mike for making the bookmarklet to use in this post.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Here is another workaround for spockon.me links doesn't require to much work.


  2. Hey I just found this was posted on userscripts


  3. Those links above are wrong. The best workaround if you use this userscript http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/124191/

  4. It's not just shortened links. War help links posted in FB chat that aren't shortened give the same error.

  5. This script will unlock every link including links to malware and phishing sites. It will make it easier for hackers for example, to gain access to your facebook account.

    Be very careful which script you run. While most of us trust spockon, I'm not sure that everyone would write their script with the same integrity.

  6. https://apps.facebook.com/inthemafia/track.php?next_controller=socialmission&next_action=joinMission&zy_track=feed&sendkey=6aafb8a87c62074f2d3c91fffc213cb8%24%24ccF%28NVQV44mzK_VUzNKZx_7i3HKsGC%29WOxM2cjfh%21zD%2CfpSinKS0dx0k_yy4MfUrzlHwwvrqLy3y4ZmT%2Ch_8nBkIc02tm3A0l7%28rsEtAxsYGsr%28rqCxhdCzNkYkl4E8m&next_params=%7B%22owner_id%22%3A%22112777978%22%2C%22feed_key%22%3A%220%22%2C%22instance_id%22%3A%224f1ef484b5eb0%22%2C%22mission_num%22%3A%2226%22%7D&sendtime=1327592916&friend=p%7C112777978January 26, 2012 at 8:20 AM


  7. Do we have to click the bookmark everytime we do a link ?

  8. Indeed Jules, this script is more than worse. There are good reasons why FB block a lot of links.

  9. ty guys wizards :)


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