Dec 2, 2011

More on Family Boss Fight Cooldown Timers


Family Boss Fights are a feature that most players enjoy. Families work together to develop a strategy to take the bosses out as quickly as possible. The only complaints I ever see about this feature are due to family members jacking up the rage meter (and the rare starting bug that pops up every now and then). It no longer matters how fast your family can complete a boss fight because now you have to pay 25 Reward Points to do another one within a 24 hour time period. I asked someone at Zynga if this was intended or an oversight and will let you know when there is an answer posted on the forums.
The first Family Boss Fight was introduced to the game on August 23 and overall players liked and embraced the feature. For many, this is the only way to get loot items that help your score. On September 1, Jeff The Knife was nerfed and a cooldown timer was added (1). This didn't stop many families and a lot of players were willing to spend 25 Reward Points so all of their family members could get 4 good loot items.
When the second boss, Silverio Fallaci was introduced on September 13th, Zynga offered him up with no cooldown timer but only "for a limited time" (1). Jeff The Knife was still active and had a cooldown timer but Silverio was free.
The pattern held with the introduction of Clyde Axeworthy on October 5th. Silverio now had a cooldown timer but Clyde was free.
Zynga mixed it up with the introduction of Jimmy Lechon on November 4th. Clyde remained the free Boss Fight and Jimmy had a cooldown timer since day one.
Clyde has been given the boot and he never did have a cooldown timer. Now both active bosses do. Families  who developed fast strategies are forced to either pay 25 Reward Points for every fight or wait 24 hours. Players in families who can do them fast will miss out if they aren't on line when the cooldown timer expires.
It's hard to say how the community feels about this move as a whole. Obviously players in families that can do many boss fights in a day are not happy. Families who take more than a day to finish a boss fight feel the playing field will be more level and are pleased with the change. Overall the feature will probably be less utilized and families with players who buy Reward Points (or create them with alternate accounts) won't be slowed down. I don't have time to participate in all of my Family Boss Fights but have managed to acquire 2,245 pieces of loot. I have to accept that Zynga doesn't want players who use good game strategies to do well unless they are spending Reward Points.
If Zynga wants players who spend money in the game to pay for boss fight resets, they need to update the rare and uncommon items as often they do the superior ones. Of the 20 items that we see over and over, 6 of them are already obsolete for me. I imagine players who spend a lot of money have even more items that won't help them.
For now, Boss Fight loot is still available from Family Battles. Maybe the Boss Fight cooldown timer was added to both bosses so players would start to utilize the Battle feature. Once we do, Zynga will probably start charging for those as well.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. For regular players who enjoy this game without relaying 100% on scripts and autoplayers as you do there is still a long way before some of this loot will become obsolte.

  2. @anonymous, the point was that players who spend money. Whether or not they use scripts isn't the issue. I guarantee that anyone who spends money on the game has obsolete Family Boss Fight loot items. Credit card players are not by any means considered regular players by Zynga. If they want them to pay for the Boss Fights, they need to make it worth it.

  3. I Agree with Anonymous on certain point .. if your family is rich others doesn't has to be.. As the loot are not giftable.. Just sit and wait..Some people are creating minis "" I think your family could be among them" to reset boss fight to take advantage of the loot. Who the pays. No one only minis. there are family abusing too much this feature.. No need to update anything.. Just sit and relax PLay the game and Stop scanning this/that.. STOP THE DRAMA..

  4. So LLady you finaly admited that you are a CC player?

  5. @anonymous, lol. Lets see, I've posted my Platinum stats quite a few times and have never denied buying Reward Points. How do you think I'm able to get all the images for blog posts? If I didn't use Reward Points, my posts would be old news by the time they were made and nobody would have a reason to visit the blog.

  6. Guess who's the sponsor?
    Zynga? ;)

  7. sorry, but you guys are idiots...if you dont like what Lady posts, dont read the blog..if you dont spend on the game fine, but many do and ya gotta pay to play...the only drama on this thread is your cryin

  8. How many family members can collect on a boss fight?

  9. All of them that take part, even if just 1 hit


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