For the most part, players like the Epic Family Boss Fight feature. It's fun to work as a group with your Family and coordinate the best strategy. Time was a major component of the strategy until today when Zynga decided to nerf the feature.
There is now a 24 hour cool down timer between Boss Fights. You will see it once your Family finishes the current fight.
Zynga likes to find ways to capitalize on their timers and this is no exception. You can speed up the cool down timer for 25 Reward Points. Anybody in the Family can do this.
Hayden of the
Mafia Wars Maniac Blog and fellow {ASS} member was nice enough to do this for us.
I don't think Zynga implemented this nerf to make more money. It would have been a stupid business move. They will probably end up losing money because now there is no incentive to use Reward Points for Ammo, Stamina Refills or Boosts. They probably did it to even their ever dwindling player field. Large Families who know how to work as a team were completing Boss Fights at a rapid pace. My own Family is pretty fast in taking down Jeff and I've gotten quite a few loot items because of it. I'm sure players who are not in Families or are in small ones felt they were at a disadvantage and that's because they were. So much for putting in the effort of building a Family and formulating sound strategies. There is a reason why so many are quitting this game.
Thanks again to Hayden for the screen shots and letting our Family fight Jeff one extra time.
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Yeah...they'll worry about an even playing field here but then there are those of us who STILL don't have power packs and they've been out for a few weeks now. Losing a couple levels a day that way, or at least 10 skill points every day compared to those that have them. Don't have Union Station, either so I can't split my energy and stam collections in Brazil and thus some of it is wasted. I believe they think they'll get more money out of it. I don't recall a time where Zynga made a decision that didn't benefit them financially.
ReplyDelete"I'm sure players who are not in Families or are in small ones felt they were at a disadvantage and that's because they were." Agree, but know something? Ppl always have the chance to join a large(r) family, but not anyone have 25 RP to reset the timer over and over on the same day. Back then it was large families against small ones/lonely wolves, now it's rich families against everyone else (not rich large ones, small ones and lonely wolves aswell). Dunno Zynga... my personal opinion is that this move wasnt a smart one. On the other hand: due to the huge amount of powerful gear, ppl almost forgot about the ICE event (or they are so bored with it) and sometimes the fightlist is almost empty. Always givin' ya a hard time, eh Z? :)
ReplyDeletewell, actually a sound business move, 25 RP is not much and there will ALWAYS be somebody from 100 people who will pay it...
ReplyDeleteCan we say Energy Accounts ?
ReplyDeleteMy energy can level 500x a day in Vegas, so I can restart the boss a few dozen times day for nothing.
WAY TO GO ZYNGA, you evened the playing field for energy accounts, so I guess your numbers are back up ;)
I'm busting chops today like Janitor ;)
yeah, energy accounts now have a place at the family table again. Also - not everyone in mafia Wars is in a powerful family Jen. So this stuff of folks quitting over this is solely from your perspective, others are rejoicing.
ReplyDeleteNow that said - perhaps they should pro rate the timeout. IF you kill the boss in less than a day on Tuesday- you wait until midnight Wednesday to stert again on Thursday.
If it took two days to kill the boss - then just a straight up 16 hour wait etc...
and let families that take more than 4 days start right back up. That would be where the real leveler would come in to play - level among families - and none of this buy the timer down crud, but yes Zynga hopes for money and this and liklely will get it. Someone answers those Nigerian Prince's pleas and some spend cold cash to advance in this game. Me I will let the serial levelers in my family take care of it. :)
It's not the elite players who are quitting the game. It is the average casual player who is frustrated because they can't compete with families that finish the boss fight 12 times in a day. People who are adding 500 non-friends to facebook and using scripts to get 100s of war loot...all you are doing is hastening the demise of your own game. You are driving out the casual player...and once the numbers are too low: GAME OVER.
ReplyDeleteIf you did not want to disadvantage any Zynga
ReplyDeletedid not have to sell the reward points
Se zynga non voleva sfavorire nessuno non doveva vendere i reward point
ReplyDeletejust those who buy the collector to 35 items rp
When I get the same with a little 'stamina.