Dec 28, 2011

Loyalty Points Removed From The Daily Chance


There is a little false advertising going on in the Daily Chance feature. We are suppose to get up to 20 Loyalty Points for claiming the sixth prize of the Daily Chance.
In October of last year, the sixth prize of the Daily Chance was nerfed (1). Instead of winning "up to 5 Reward Points" the prize was changed to "up to 20 Loyalty Points".
Now when you accept the sixth prize, you are rewarded with New York cash even though it states you are to get Loyalty Points. I wouldn't call this a nerf because New York cash has more value than Loyalty Points. This is a good sign that the rumors of the upcoming Loyalty Program demise are true (1)
I verified that this wasn't a display error by checking my New York cash and Loyalty Point balance before and after claiming the sixth prize. My cash went up and my Loyalty Points stayed the same. They are being really cheap, you can't do much in the game with $500,000.
The Daily Chance Loyalty Point Nerf happened at the same time that we started to get up to 50 Loyalty Points a day for accepting gifts and helping with jobs. For now, we still get these points. 

Thanks to marbecc for the email. I never use the Daily Chance feature and would have never noticed this change.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. so, should we just use up the loyalty points while we still can?

  2. I have noticed that healing in NY now seems to cost $1 mil....wondering if cash is going to go down in NY

  3. you know, the less players their are the more features will get scraped, this might be a bad thing or a goodd thing depending upon the way you look att it...either way just my few cents since I work for games customer support as well, overusing customer support leads to downfall of games,
    first of all customer support is not reponsible for the bugs in programming so you are yelling at the wrong people if you have problems and no, usually customer support has no access what-so-ever to developers so theyy can't really change anything,
    second of all cs at least tries to appease you by giving you free things, when you go out of forums and post you got free things hunderds, thousands of people will rush the cs queue and get mad because they don't find a cs agent (which is obvious since their are too many of you)
    third of all, since you rush the queue, agents wont finish their queue, they get bad rating and get sacked, so in the end players are usually left with inexperienced agents (which needless to say wont fulfill their queue as well and get sacked again) so that no agent there will ever help customer
    ....just my 2 cents from the other side of the barricade...

  4. Typical - Zygna got rid of Atlantic City when I was close to mastering it and now they get rid of the loyalty points now that I got the Little Dog and need to wait 3 months to see if I get the 10 levels needed to get the Harbinger.


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