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Oct 5, 2011

Where is Mafia Wars Live?


UPDATE:  Cerulean Mastered updated this forum thread and answered 2 of the questions I had. One, episode 12 will be available on Friday October 7th and two, the name has been changed to Mafia Wars Insider. Thanks to Ian for the information.

UPDATE: Due to circumstances outside of our control, Mafia Wars Insider will be posted Friday October 7th, 2011./Cerulean Master

Earlier today, the Mafia Wars Fan Page made this post about Mafia Wars Live and told us that "Episode 12 will be available at 3:30pm PDT today".
I double checked my calender and clock and it's the time that is advertised. When I went to the Mafia Wars Channel, there is nothing to be found. Maybe the got the wording wrong or are having more technical difficulties but a follow up message alerting us to a delay would be nice. Do they think we are going to continually refresh the page? If they aren't going to do this thing live anymore, can they please change the name? How are we suppose to believe the content if the title isn't true?

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. UPDATE: Due to circumstances outside of our control, Mafia Wars Insider will be posted Friday October 7th, 2011.


  2. In mourning for Steve Jobs?


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