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Oct 5, 2011

New Family Boss: Clyde Axworthy


There is a new Family Boss in town. His name is Clyde Axworthy.
This creepy little guy has 1.25 million health instead of the 1 million we saw with Jeff The Knife and Silverio Fallaci.
The superior loot rewards are different for Clyde and include one that nobody will ever see unless they sweet talk a Customer Support Agent.
The Rare and Uncommon rewards are the same as they were with the last 2 Bosses.
Here is a closer look at the 5 new Superior loot items.  The good news is there is a Henchmen thrown into the mix.
You will find the combos for Jeff and Silverio don't work on Clyde.
Here are the new combos that will work on Clyde.
The damage you do per attack is the same so this Boss Fight will take longer to complete as there is 250,000 additional health to beat through.
Jeff The Knife has been removed from the Boss Fight Page but Silverio Fallaci remains.
If your family wants to fight Silverio again, they either have to wait 24 hours or speed up the cool down timer for 25 Reward Points. For a limited time, Clyde is free to fight over and over.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. WOW...another chore for me....LOL

  2. Clyde Axworthy has new combos! Tricky!!

  3. what are the combos for this? The old ones don't work. Thanks!!

  4. We started a new fight with Jeff just a couple hours before the new boss was added so there are 3 bosses on our fight page until we finish Jeff off or the next 6 + days.

  5. Still have a Jeff fight going so we have 3 bosses until we finish him LOL

  6. Jeff the Knife is still there, so we have 3 bosses!

  7. Yeah, another boss my family is too wimpy to coordinate and finish off. I've got no interest in these.

    Bring back the darn Raven so I can get the Decimus doohickey -- it's the only achievement I need.

  8. i'd complain that we were suppose to get the raven back after jeff left but at this point i doubt we'll see the raven again and they should just move the achievements into the legacy category and call it good. he was a crappy boss anyway.

  9. I apologize...didn't see the combos for the fight the 1st time through, but they are there.

  10. @anonymous above, no worries, they probably weren't there when you read it the first time. I often add stuff after the fact. The comments here and the fan page help me when I forget things or make blatant errors.

  11. Wow bunch of BS how they just pull Jeff not caring if people still want the Bike, I have no problem doing 3 boss as it gives my family something to do, when one on CD just do the next one, we do all at the same time but yeah. Family battle is worthless and stupid, and should be pulled IMO. Jeff needs to come back, think I start another feedback saying bring him back

  12. Hi all, is there a red combo for Clyde Axworthy?


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